FUNdamentals of FUNdraising Facilitators: Jo Ann Stevens and Ronda Husselman
1. What size is your chapter?
2. Select your chapter by geographical location.
3. Are you or have you been an officer in your local officer?
4. Did/would being involved in a chapter fundraiser make you want to get more involved in Women’s Council?
5. What is the perception of fundraising? Chore that has to be done...
5. What is the perception of fundraising Unites in a common goal.
5. What is the perception of fundraising? Creates fun...
5. What is the perception of fundraising? Money earned is most important.
5. What is the perception of fundraising? Increasing networking skills.
6. What percentage of your budget revenue for the year comes from fundraising events?
7. How many events have you helped to plan?
8. How many fundraisers does your chapter have a year? Comments: varies from year to year; added a second one this year; do more now because times have changed when companies would sponsor large amounts; we need to do more
9. What percentage of your budget revenue for the year comes from the Annual Strategic Partners?
10. How long do you prepare for major fundraisers? Comments: 8-9 months, longer better but not to conflict with other; start promoting for following year at fundraiser; don’t wait until last minute
11. How many members usually on the committee for planning large events?
12. How many members are involved day of the event?
13. How many event sponsors do you normally have for large fundraisers? Comments: 10 now hoping for more; as many as we can get; depends on event and Strategic Partner levels for each event
14. What do sponsors receive for their contribution to a large fundraiser? Comments: negotiate, model in style show; judge for costume contest; speaking reserved for highest level; depends on level chosen, larger contribution - more they receive
15. What is the average raised in the last couple of years for major fundraise rs? Comments: underwhelming, lean years, down 30-40% from 3 years ago; not a successful one in two years
16. Which large event has been the most successful for your chapter? Comments: Limo tours & wine receptions, calendar, golf tournament, Realtor EXPO, Bras 4 a Cause, Sock Hop, Oktoberfest but attendance declining, luau, talent show/contest
17. How long do you prepare for smaller fundraisers?
18. What is the average raised in the last couple of year for small fundraisers? Comments: a little over $3,000 with only $550 in expenses;
19. Which small event has been the most successful for your chapter? Comments: live auctions at BRMs; speed dating; raffles, auctions, Casino Bus Trip; Bingo at local Retirement Home; Garage sale; 50/50, Art show/auction; Taos Get-away raffle, sock hop event, Mini Expo Vendor days
20. What do you do at Business Resource Meetings to raise money? Comments: gift cards, table/sale vendors, one minute to present a listing/service, partners who have speaking opportunity, donated items are raffled off, brag basket