Parts of Speech Review
Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Pronouns
NOUNS Identify the nouns in the sentence. Identify the nouns in the sentence. Do not name pronouns as nouns. Do not name pronouns as nouns. Back to the board, Alex!
VERBS Identify the entire verb phrase of the sentence. Identify the entire verb phrase of the sentence. Also identify the “main verb” of the sentence. Also identify the “main verb” of the sentence. Is the main verb a linking verb or an action verb? Is the main verb a linking verb or an action verb? Back to the board, Alex!
ADJECTIVES Identify the adjectives that are in each sentence. Identify the adjectives that are in each sentence. Explain what word is being modified by the adjective. Explain what word is being modified by the adjective. Back to the board, Alex!
ADVERBS Identify all adverbs in the sentences. Identify all adverbs in the sentences. Explain what word is modified by adverbs… don’t forget! Adverbs can modify three parts of speech. What are they? Explain what word is modified by adverbs… don’t forget! Adverbs can modify three parts of speech. What are they? Back to the board, Alex!
PRONOUNS For some pronouns, you have to identify the pronouns in the sentence and explain if they are in first, second, or third person. For some pronouns, you have to identify the pronouns in the sentence and explain if they are in first, second, or third person. For other pronouns, you have to choose the correct pronoun for a sentence. For other pronouns, you have to choose the correct pronoun for a sentence. Back to the board, Alex!
NOUNS The ugly duckling turned into a swan.
Answer: Nouns The nouns were <- DUCKLING and SWAN -> Back to the board, Alex!
NOUNS The haunted house seemed to stare at me.
Answer: NOUNS There was only one noun in that sentence: There was only one noun in that sentence:HOUSE (ME is a first person pronoun taking the place of a noun.) (ME is a first person pronoun taking the place of a noun.) Back to the board, Alex!
NOUNS The computer game is difficult to understand.
Answer: NOUNS There is only one noun: GAME “Computer” can be a noun sometimes, but in this case, it is an adjective describing WHAT KIND of game it is. “Computer” can be a noun sometimes, but in this case, it is an adjective describing WHAT KIND of game it is. Back to the board, Alex!
NOUNS This blanket and this hot chocolate are making me warm.
Answer: NOUNS There are two nouns: BLANKETAndCHOCOLATE (Hot is an adjective modifying chocolate.) Back to the board, Alex!
NOUNS Christa has done all of her laundry.
Answer: NOUNS There are two nouns: CHRISTAAndLAUNDRY What particular kind of noun is “Christa”? Therefore, how should it always be written? Back to the board, Alex!
VERBS My name is not Dave. My name is not Dave. Remember: Remember: Complete verb phrase?Complete verb phrase? What is the main verb?What is the main verb? What kind of verb is it? (action or linking)What kind of verb is it? (action or linking)
Answer: VERBS Complete verb phrase: IS Complete verb phrase: IS IS is a linking verb IS is a linking verb –(Remember, NOT is always an adverb, not part of the verb phrase) Back to the board, Alex!
VERBS This birthday could not have been any better! This birthday could not have been any better!
Answer: VERBS – 200 Complete Verb Phrase: Complete Verb Phrase: COULD HAVE BEEN (NOT is an adverb!!!) Main Verb: Main Verb: BEEN (a linking verb) Back to the board, Alex!
VERBS Staples has the best kinds of pens.
Answer: VERBS – 300 Complete verb phrase Complete verb phraseHAS Type of verb: Type of verb: Action Verb What kind of action is being shown? What kind of action is being shown? Ownership / Possession Back to the board, Alex!
VERBS Some grapefruits can taste very sour.
Answer: VERBS Complete verb phrase: Complete verb phrase: CAN TASTE Main verb: TASTE Main verb: TASTE Type of verb: Linking Type of verb: Linking (Grapefruits = sour) Back to the board, Alex!
VERBS – 500 Can’t you be quiet for just one second?!
Answer: VERBS Complete verb phrase: Complete verb phrase: CAN BE Main verb : BE (linking verb) Main verb : BE (linking verb)
To find that verb phrase, it is useful to change the question “Can’t you be quiet for just one second?” into a sentence: To find that verb phrase, it is useful to change the question “Can’t you be quiet for just one second?” into a sentence: You can’t be quiet for just one second. N’t (the contraction for “not” is not part of the verb phrase (it is an adverb) N’t (the contraction for “not” is not part of the verb phrase (it is an adverb) Therefore, the verb phrase is Therefore, the verb phrase is CAN BE Back to the board, Alex!
ADJECTIVES The wobbly desk was also rusty.
Answer: ADJECTIVES There are two adjectives: WOBBLY and RUSTY They both modify the same noun: DESK Back to the board, Alex!
ADJECTIVES That blond girl, Sally, thinks your brother is cute.
Answer: ADJECTIVES There are three adjectives: THAT, BLOND, YOUR and CUTE There are three adjectives: THAT, BLOND, YOUR and CUTE THAT describes which girl BLONDE describes which girl YOUR describes which brother CUTE describes the brother Back to the board, Alex!
ADJECTIVES The lime jello is very wobbly.
Answer: ADJECTIVES There are two adjectives: There are two adjectives:LIME (describes what kind of Jell-O) WOBBLY (describes what the Jell-O is like) Back to the board, Alex!
ADJECTIVES The old drum had a speck of red blood on it. closeup/?id= &refnum=993641
Answer: ADJECTIVES There are two adjectives: OLD and RED OLD describes what kind of drum RED describes what kind of blood Back to the board, Alex!
ADJECTIVES That fish is staring at me.
Answer: ADJECTIVES The adjective is THAT. The adjective is THAT. It answers the question “Which one?” about the fish. It answers the question “Which one?” about the fish. Back to the board, Alex!
ADVERBS My hairdresser cut my hair too quickly (…and I wound up with a mullet!!!)
Answer: ADVERBS There are two adverbs: TOO and QUICKLY QUICKLY describes how the hairdresser cut (verb) TOO modifies to what extent the hairdresser cut quickly (adverb) Back to the board, Alex!
ADVERBS Tucker always sits very nicely.
Answer: ADVERBS There were three adverbs: ALWAYS, VERY, and NICELY ALWAYS describes when he sits (verb) nicely (adverb) ALWAYS describes when he sits (verb) nicely (adverb) NICELY describes how he sits (verb) NICELY describes how he sits (verb) VERY describes to what extent he sits nicely (adverb) VERY describes to what extent he sits nicely (adverb) Back to the board, Alex!
ADVERBS Jessica will happily do any chore if you ask her soon.
Answer: ADVERBS There are two adverbs: HAPPILY and SOON * HAPPILY describes how Jessica will do (verb) the chore. * SOON describes when you ask (verb) Jessica to do the chore. Back to the board, Alex!
ADVERBS Jeremy didn’t win for class president Jeremy didn’t win for class president
Answer: ADVERBS There is only one adverb: There is only one adverb:N’T (the contraction for NOT) * Remember how we said that “not” and “n’t” are never part of a verb phrase??? Back to the board, Alex!
ADVERBS Can you thoroughly wash my very dirty clothing quite rapidly?
Answer: ADVERBS There are MANY adverbs: THOROUGHLY – describes how or to what extent the clothing should be washed (verb) VERY - describes how dirty (adjective) RAPIDLY – describes how the clothing should be washed (verb) QUITE – describes to what extent the clothing should be washed rapidly (adverb) Back to the board, Alex!
PRONOUNS That is a humungous insect!
Answer: PRONOUNS The pronoun is THAT. It is taking the place of whatever insect (noun) is being talked about… Back to the board, Alex!
PRONOUNS (I, me) and Ryan love to go bowling with Kevin and (they, them). * Choose the correct pronouns.
Answer: PRONOUNS I and Ryan love to go bowling with Kevin and them. Remember the trick: If it is the pronoun and another noun, take out the other noun (in this case, “Ryan” and “Kevin”). This sounds odd: Me would love to go bowling with they. This sounds right: I would love to go bowling with them. Back to the board, Alex!
PRONOUNS My parents and (we, us) just got a Nintendo Wii.
Answer: PRONOUNS – 300 My parents and we just got a Nintendo Wii. Remember the trick: If it is the pronoun and another noun, take out the other noun (in this case, “my parents”). This sounds odd: Us just got a Nintendo Wii. This sounds right: We just got a Nintendo Wii. Back to the board, Alex!
PRONOUNS – 400 Many do not like eating fish. * Identify the pronoun
Answer: PRONOUNS The pronoun is MANY. It takes the place of the people (noun) who do not like to eat fish. Back to the board, Alex!
PRONOUNS Calleigh and Trish are not going swimming with (we, us).
Answer: PRONOUNS Calleigh and Trish are not going swimming with US. Back to the board, Alex!