‘Here for You’ Improving the Patient Experience Presented by Sally Quinn Deputy Director of HR & OD 03/05/2015
Message for the WD Team I was on the Juice Course this morning and wanted to pass on and say how impressed I was with how well it was presented by the company concerned and how much I enjoyed it, it would be nice to think that any other courses that we have to attend as mandatory ones were presented in the same type of way, as it makes it not so much of a chore and an ‘oh no not another course’ but an enjoyable positive learning experience.
Sample Comments 5/3/2015
How well do you understand the fundamentals of delivering an excellent patient experience and how this links to the success of the Trust? 5/3/2015
Has the event helped you consider the way in which you demonstrate the “Here for you” promises? 5/3/2015
Has the event helped you to reflect on your own current practice and consider how your behaviour creates either a positive or negative patient/client experience? 5/3/2015
Has the event helped you to understand the difference between caring for somebody and caring about them? 5/3/2015
Has the event helped you to consider the importance of different teams and departments working together more effectively and how this benefits all patients? 5/3/2015
Qualitative Feedback 5/3/2015 I am front line staff and sometimes I never realise how I am coming across to the client. Helped me to keep this in focus. It’s all about the patient’s/clients experience – which stays with him or her for a long time. This learning has helped me a lot to get to know about caring. Thank you. I thought this was an excellent way to spend an afternoon. Very worthwhile for all members of Croydon Health Services. Thanks to Andy and the actors. Wonderful afternoon, already thinking what I can do to further make working with clients/patients and other staff’s experience here at the Trust pleasurable! My initial impression was ‘here we go again’! Especially after listening to the negative thing that was said in the introduction. I think we do well as a Trust – need improving and will always in order to be excellent. Great training.
Participant Feedback 5/3/2015 Very helpful and fun well done. May be helpful to consider/ bring out more how this approach can be applied in large complex organisations? We are all working in our silos. (Was referred to...just my thoughts) The Trust need to employ more staff for the wards etc. so we can deliver the care that the patients deserve Individual’s attitudes must change or leave it outside of the Trust. Going the extra mile – going above and beyond to help patients, relative’s internal staff / clients As interesting it was, I did not learn anything new. Actors were the only difference. How much did this cost? Money could have been spent on something else I did the course in another Trust and do believe in the benefits as long as they are followed up at a later date to ensure it works and staff are engaged
Next Steps 5/3/2015 A more collaborative approach across the Trust is evident in ensuring staff members within the service areas are supported in attending this programme. To utilise the period of de-escalation on the Cerner IT Implementation Programme now set to recommence momentum in late August (26th). This will mean opportunity for staff to be released to attend the Juice Learning Programme without conflict of the Cerner remobilisation. To review total numbers of staff going through the programme with the view of re-commissioning Juice Learning using allocated funds from this year’s Workforce Development LETB monies to deliver additional planned sessions from November in order to address “front facing” staff attendance.
5/3/2015 Have you been yet?