“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” © Written by Daniel Bennett, BIMI Missionary to Brazil. May be sung to the tune of “Jesus Calls Us, O’er The Tumult” - GALILEE. Meter:
“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” Have you gleaned today, my brother, In life’s harvest field so vast? Are you putting forth the sickle For the fruit that’s sure to last?
“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” Have you gleaned today, my brother, For the sheaves in harvest white? Have you told some Hell-bound sinner Of his doomed, eternal plight?
“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” Have you gleaned today, my brother, As yon workers do implore? You must go to fields now ripened And fulfil your earthly chore.
“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” Have you gleaned today, my brother? Yes, the harvest time is right; You must go and tell of Jesus While there’s still sufficient light.
“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” Have you gleaned today, my brother? End of harvest cometh fast; You must reap in fields now whitened, Harvest time is almost passed.
“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” Will you glean today, my brother, In the fields with lab’rers few? Soon the Master will be coming, Harvest time will then be through.
“HAVE YOU GLEANED TODAY?” Oh, please come and glean, my brother, What a difference you could make; There’s so much still to accomplish In the fields for Jesus’ sake.