Time Management Where does the time go? Ms. Christie Boyle
How to stay focused How to be self-aware of your time Setting goals Attachments Discussion Summary
What distracts you? What do you do to avoid distractions? How do you stay focused? More difficult or easier to focus in an online school? Staying Focused
What distracts you? -loud noise, friends, family, chores What do you do to avoid distractions? - listen to music, work in quite room, inform family and friends that you are completing school work How do you stay focused? - set goals, i.e. complete 3 lessons and then take a five minute break, listen to music Staying Focused: Interventions
Work Schedule Chore List Outside Activities (Sports) Going out with friends Social Media/ Video Games Know and be aware of the times and dates of your daily and weekly schedule! Being Self-Aware of Your Time
Setting short-term and long-term goals Short-term example: completing 3 lessons then taking a 30 minute break to eat a snack, watch your favorite TV show, call and talk to your friends Long-term example: make 50% progress in class in 2-3 days, take a break from the course, go see a movie with a friend Overall Goal: Get a 80% in one of your courses- buy something you have been wanting for awhile By setting goals you are able to stay motivated and focused on your school work. Goals Remember: It is okay to reward yourself for your hard work!
Attachment #1- Where does the time go?
Attachment #2- Success Checklist
Attachment #3- Weekly Planner
Attachment # 4-Homework Sheet
Attachment #5- Exam Tips
Take responsibility for your time Understand your strengths and weaknesses (you know you cannot focus in a loud area, go to a quite room) Know and follow your schedule- helps you stay on task Stay organized – you will save time knowing where your notes are Create goals- helps stay motivated and focused Be Your Own Boss