Collin Nicholas
Education Elementary school Junior High Parents High School Mission
Elementary School Lots of chances to learn and explore Learning was easy. I was good at and liked every subject Multi-age classrooms lead to a repeat in curriculum and some boredom No student responsibility. My parents had to make sure that all was done or it didn’t get done
Parents Homework always came first, has stuck with me even until now (at least I feel guilty when I don’t put it first…) Always perform at your best. Nothing else it good enough. Wouldn't’ t let me settle for B’s and C’s when they knew I could get A’s. They are the reason I started to try in Jr. High and why I am here today No specific area was set aside for homework in the house I was the first child: many opportunities that my younger siblings took advantage of (like skipping ahead in math and science and online classes) I missed out on
Mission Learned Spanish and a love for teaching Learned to appreciate other cultures and people as individuals not as part of a group As the work got repetitive I slowed down, creativity and efficacious work didn’t seem to go and in had for me Was still able to make it with a lack of planning which started me in some bad preparation habits
High School Playing sports gave me a whole new perspective on teamwork and cooperation More responsibility was given to the student to create their own success in class Laziness was ok as long as the grades were met, procrastination habits became solidified Too much focus on the superficial distractions
Junior High Freedom in class choices and transitions between class periods helped develop responsibility Teachers taught skills that were necessary for high school success put them into practice Lack of effort and putting importance on school work left my grades severely lacking Forced reading assignments and lack of innovative teaching practices made reading and school work a chore rather than an exciting pursuit