Lighting the Way with PBIS Gloria Cooper Director of Student Services Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Houston, Texas
Parking Lot Activity
ACTIVITY 1.Take a name tent from the center table. 2.Write your name in the center. 3.Write your school and/or assignment under your name.
PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
3 Worries/Ineffective Responses to Problem Behavior 8 Practices Get Tough Systems Train & Hope Philosophy Assumptions
Worry #1: “Get Tough” Immediate & Seductive Solution 9 9 Get Tough Clamp down & increase monitoring Re-Re-Re- review rules Extend continuum & consistency of consequences Establish “bottom line”
Worry #2: “Train & Hope” 10 REACT to problem behavior Select & add practice Hire an EXPERT to train practice Hope for implementation Wait for new problem
Worry #3: Assumptions we make… It’ll be better tomorrow Avoidance (on the adult’s part)If I ignore it, it will go away. Students will learn appropriate behavior through increased use of “aversives” DMC, SuspensionsDAEP for persistent behavior Students are “inherently” bad Born that wayApples don’t fall far from the tree
Which lead to a false sense of safety and security. Fosters environments of control Triggers & reinforces antisocial behavior Shifts accountability away from school Devalues child-adult relationship Weakens relationship between academic & social behavior programming
PBIS is: data-based School-wide data-based decision making system preventiveproactive A preventive and proactive approach campus specific Staff driven, campus specific consistency Common language, consistency community Develops a community focus and climate/culture Based on a long history of behavioral practices & effective instructional designs & strategies Targeted at engaging the whole staff in problem solving to achieve long-term sustainability A district-wide goal for Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
When behavior doesn’t improve, Alternative programming Increased suspension & expulsion Zero tolerance policies In-service training by expert Increased surveillance We “GET TOUGHER!”
Important Elements of PBIS Positive Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged Active supervision by all staff Scan, move, interact Precorrections Precorrections & reminders Positive Positive reinforcement
Team-based problem solving Data-based decision making Long term sustainability Systems (How things are done) Continuous data collection and review Office discipline referrals Attendance, observations, academics Data (How decisions are made) Direct teaching of behavioral expectations Positive reinforcement Behavioral assessments Practices (How staff interact with students)
18 Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At- Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT
PBIS Philosophy The Universal Tier (Level 1) To create and maintain an effective learning environment by establishing behavioral supports and a social culture needed for ALL students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. Secondary Tier (Level 2) To provide systems for structuring the learning environment to allow for behavioral supports for at-risk students. Tertiary Tier (Level 3) To provide more sophisticated and specific interventions for students with established histories of behavioral problems.
Host environment Host environment Data-based decision making Classroom management Active supervision System Components
Host Environment
Host Environment
Discipline Data
CFISD Discipline Student discipline data analyzed every six weeks. Discipline tracked by student, by teacher, by grade level.
Apply three tiered prevention logic to classroom setting Primary for all Secondary for some Tertiary for a few Consistent Corrective Teaching, Student Support Plans Signals, Cues, Reminders, Redirects, More Positives and Instructional Interventions Relationships, Rules Procedures, Transitions, Seating Chart, Corrective Teaching, Proactive Planning, Room Arrangement, Instructional Management, 5 to 1 ratio
Classroom Management
Safe & Civil Schools Survey Used to determine staff support 85% of the faculty must vote in favor of implementing the PBIS process. Questions: I agree that our campus needs to plan and implement a school-wide effort to improve student behavior. I would support a campus leadership team’s effort to implement a school-side system. I am willing to participate in the school-wide effort, as an effective member of this campus.
Building Better Relationships A 14 hour course designed to enhance the skills and strategies of teachers in the classroom Addresses the importance of relationships, proactive classroom strategies, positive student support, and problem solving for low level classroom behavior. Research and best practices have been collected from Boys Town Capturing Kids Hearts Eric Jenson Randy Sprick Harry Wong Fred Jones
Punishment vs. Discipline PunishmentDiscipline Purpose Punish the child’s past behavior Shape the child’s future decisions Techniques Isolation, time-out, withdrawal of a privilege Emotions Tensions, frustration, rage, raised voices Disappointment, love and concern Results Child feels angry, out of control; loss of self-esteem; focuses on revenge, regaining control Child feels adult’s disappointment & concern; can focus on second chance opportunities.
Punishment vs. Discipline Love & Logic Tip We punish a child for past choices; we discipline to shape future ones. Punishment arises from frustration and rage; discipline out of love and concern Both punishment and discipline use similar techniques, but the emotional atmosphere of the two is different. Punishment squashes the behavior, discipline teaches for next time. -Teaching with Love and Logic, Jim Fay & David Funk
Active Supervision: Chore? or Opportunity !
Supervision: Common Areas Classrooms Hallways Cafeteria Main/Entry Hallway Where else?
Why Do We Supervise? “To ensure student safety.” “Pro-active deterrent to Bullying.” “Legal/Professional responsibility. ” “To model appropriate behaviors in social settings.” “To increase instructional time.” “To acknowledge students who behave appropriately.” “To improve adult/student relationships.” “It’s part of our job.”
Rethinking the Value of Supervision Students who don’t feel safe in the common areas, don’t feel safe at school. Quality supervision provides an opportunity to establish positive relationships and acknowledge appropriate behaviors. Common area issues become classroom issues – Instructional time is lost!
Active Supervision Movement Constant (Walk and Talk) Avoid wallflower management Random Planned and purposeful to target Scanning Look for and acknowledge appropriate behaviors Monitor problem locations Listen for name-calling, bickering, arguing Look for students who are withdrawn or being picked on by others Pay attention to the surrounding Be proactive – “pay now or pay later”
Navigating Rough Waters
Student Services Support Student Services Support
Support Trainings PBIS Share Sessions Campus leadership meetings Data trainings PBIS Snapshots (insert copy) PBIS Level 1 reviews SET Evaluations