1.Who does bright-eyed Athene go to visit? (must give the island name AND the name of the King AND the name of the people AND the name of the girl she visits). 2.What does Athene tell this girl to do? 3.What does the girl and her companions do in the morning? 4.How does Odysseus approach this girl? How does he speak to her? Why? 5.How she respond to Odysseus? 6.What does Athene do for Odysseus at this point? 7.What advice does Nausicaa offer Odysseus? Questions
Scheria. King Alcinous. The Phaecians. Nausicaa. Athene tells Nausicaa to take her clothes to the river and wash them – they are dirty and she is being lazy and not being a good example of a housewife. Nausicaa goes to her parents and asks for help in preparing for her journey to the river to wash her clothes. She subtly mentions her lack of a husband, and that this is such a chore she would have to do for him. He is cautious, respectful and considerate. Despite his desperation and fear he remains a leader shown by his decision making. Nausicaa tells Odysseus that her ladies will wash and oil him and provide him with food and drink. When Odysseus has bathed, Athene enhances his features so that he glows, looks handsome and presentable so that he looks like an artwork. This makes him more appealing to Nausicaa who will show him more aid. Nausicaa does not want to slander her name by returning with a strange man to the palace. She tells Odysseus a plan to get to the palace and also what to do when there. He must approach her mother first with flattery so that she takes pity on him and will then ensure the king does the same. Answers
When we think of SOCIAL CUSTOMS we think of what do we mean? Social Customs
When we think of SOCIAL CUSTOMS we think of: Hospitality ( XENIA ) Role of the female Worship Domestic life (home, chores, family) Social Customs
1.Who shows hospitality in this Book? 2.Why would they show hospitality to a stranger? 3.What does this person offer their guest to make them a good host? 4.Is the guest a gracious guest? 5.Think of an example where hospitality is abused. Explain how this example of hospitality (Book 6) differs from the example of abuse. Hospitality
1.Nausicaa. 2.Zeus is the patron god of hospitality/ xenia, so it was a social custom and expectation that people would help and accept strangers. 3.Nausicaa offers Odysseus her maids to bathe him and oil him, and also offers him food and drink. 4.Odysseus is a good guest. He is respectful to Nausicaa despite wanting to know immediately where he is and who she is. He says that he will wash himself as he does not want to have her maids clean such a messy man. He takes what he is offered and does not ask more. Hospitality
1.Who is the main female figure in this Book? 2.How does she describe her own role (think about her task)? 3.How does she act when she meets Odysseus? Compare this with how her maidens react. What does this show about her character? 4.How is she expected to react when Odysseus’ reappears ‘god-like’? What does this say about women? Role of the Female
1.Nausicaa. 2.She says she needs to be clean and to be responsible for her tasks and chores (like cleaning clothes) as she will one day have a husband that she will need to take care of. 3.She is welcoming of him despite his haggard appearance. Her maids are frightened and do not help him but Nausicaa asks who he is. She stands firm and appears strong and brave. She is a leader/courageous in this situation. 4.Athene enhances Odysseus’ appearance to make Nausicaa more attracted to him. Athene expects this will make Nausicaa more willing to help him. Essentially it is implying that women can be manipulated and that they care about physical appearance. Role of the Female
When we think of RELIGION we think of: Fate Divine Intervention Worship Prayer Religion
1.Briefly say what examples of divine intervention are evident in this Book (who, when and where). 2.What is the purpose of each intervention (go through the examples listed above)? 3.What message is Homer trying to give to humans about the gods? 4.Think about other examples of divine intervention. Do the gods always intervene in the same way? Give specific examples of WHO WHEN WHERE WHY. Divine Intervention
Athene – Odysseus – endowing him with beauty. Athene – Odysseus – waking him up. Athene – Nausicaa – appearing in her dream. Can intervene – intervene in many ways – positive/negative – be respectful -