Ramona Forever By Beverly Cleary
Day 1 Writing Prompt Who is your favorite character from a book? Write a paragraph describing the character and why you like him or her? Ramona Forever 3rd Grade
Day 2 Writing Prompt We are always learning new things. Think about something important you learned recently. Now write about what you learned and why it is important. Ramona Forever 3rd Grade
Day 3 Writing Prompt Everyone has jobs or chores. Think about why you do one of your jobs or chores. Now explain what this chore is, and why you do it. Ramona Forever 3rd Grade
Day 4 Writing Prompt Sometimes something you are expecting to happen turns out differently than you thought it would. Write about a time when something happened differently than you expected. Ramona Forever 3rd Grade
Day 5 Writing Prompt Imagine that you find a twenty dollar bill. Think about what you would do with it. Now write a story about the day you found twenty dollars. Ramona Forever 3rd Grade