Grammar English 9
Monday, October 27, 2014 Limiting Adjectives (“Determiners”) Articles: a, an, the Demonstratives: this, that, those, these Numbers Possessives: his, her, their, our, its, your, my Possessive Noun (used as an adjective) Indefinites: some, few, many, several, no, any
Monday, October 27, 2014 Underline ALL adjectives (descriptive and limiting) used in the following sentences. 1. The book club gave an exercise book as a free gift. 2. Has Grace been given five or six toasters for wedding gifts? 3. Jessica’s new pen doesn’t work properly. 4. Her uncle is leaving that town in my brother’ s airplane 5. Your three baseball cards are on the floor.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Underline ALL adjectives (descriptive and limiting) used in the following sentences. 1. Nearly forty players were aboard our flight. 2. Wendy’s new shoes came from Tilly’s. 3. The anxious and weepy starlet had lost her emerald ring. 4. Many autograph books were passed out at a special celebration. 5. Her bright, straight teeth are beautiful.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Underline ALL adjectives (descriptive and limiting) used in the following sentences. 1. My festive dessert was delicious but sugary. 2. Take your twenty pieces of black glass to the old cedar chest. 3. Our new brick home is spacious. 4. My story about our unusual vacation was funny. 5. Our boys’ room is an absolute mess.
Monday, November 3, 2014 Adverbs tell How, Where, When and to What Extent. Cross out prepositional phrases; underline the subject once and verb/verb phrase twice; circle adjectives. Label Adverbs (ADV). 1. The crowd cheered happily for their team. 2. Mary searched hurriedly through the desk drawers. 3. Carefully the packers arranged glassware in strong boxes. 4. A typist quickly typed an office memo for me. 5. Bart and Melody ran fast in the fifty yard dash.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Cross out prepositional phrases; underline the subject once and verb/verb phrase twice; circle adjectives. Label Adverbs (ADV). 1. First you must turn right at Darnmon Street. 2. Then take a bus downtown. 3. When did John start running so fast? 4. The chore was done rather slowly. 5. We will not have an answer immediately.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Cross out prepositional phrases; underline the subject once and verb/verb phrase twice; circle adjectives. Label Adverbs (ADV). 1. The baby crawls extremely fast across the bare floor. 2. We shall probably arrive late in the evening. 3. Today, an eagle flew briskly away from its nest. 4. Daily, those roosters crow so loudly. 5. Now, hang on tightly to your seat.