The Pangnirtung Tapestries of Canada’s Arctic
Created by Inuit weavers at the Pangnirtung Tapestry Studio, a vital part of the Uqqurmiut Centre for Arts and Crafts
Inuit Tapestry Hand-woven Unique Inuit imagery World renowned for their beauty and superb craftsmanship Fine art to grace your home or offices
The weavers base their tapestry creations on drawings by artists in the community, creating collaborative works of art Malaya Akulukjuk / RhodaVeevee Annie Kilabuk / Olassie AkulukjukAndrew Qappik / Igah Etoangat Elisapee Ishulutaq / Geela Keenainak
Artists from the small hamlet of Pangnirtung on Baffin Island are historically known for imagery depicting traditional Inuit life and mythology ‘At the Lake’ by Elisapee Ishulutaq and Igah Etoangat ‘Her Helpful Powers’ by Ekidluak Komoartuk and Kawtysee Kakee
Annual Collections are woven in editions of ten ‘Sealskins’ by Annie Kilabuk/Kawtysee Kakee ‘Coming Up for Air’ by Joel Maniapik/Geela Keenainak
The Pangnirtung Tapestry Studio weaves large unique commissioned tapestries for corporate and private clients “Panniqtuuq” 120”W x 60”H Commissioned for the Pangnirtung Airport 1996
The Pangnirtung Studio is one of four tapestry studios in the world producing unique contemporary tapestry to commission Pangnirtung Nunavut West Dean England Edinburgh Scotland Melbourne Australia
Tapestries are commissioned for public and private buildings such as: Government Embassies Hospitals Libraries Municipal Centres Corporations Universities Theatres Banks Residences
Commissioned tapestries (left to right) in Australia, England and Scotland (two) in public spaces
“If not, not” a commission from the Dovecot Studios for the British Research Library London, the largest tapestry in the United Kingdom
“Estuary” commissioned from the West Dean Tapestry Studio for the Said Business School, Oxford England
“St. George” commissioned from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop by St. Georges Building Society, Sydney Australia
“Working to Commission” at the PTS Four large-scale commissions for buildings in Nunavut have been created to date Artists and weavers of the first commission woven for the Unnikarvik Centre in Iqaluit 1992
“Back Then” A gift from the Pangnirtung Tapestry Studio, Uqqurmiut to the Legislative Assembly, Iqaluit, Nunavut 2002
The Pangnirtung weavers are fully engaged participants in the development of a strong arts economy for Nunavut The weavers have an impressive thirty-six-year history of telling Inuit stories through woven tapestry. Hand-woven tapestries bring warmth and vibrancy to large architectural spaces. Mural tapestries reflect and enhance an organization’s corporate image. Commissions have high visibility as they are hung for the most part in public spaces. High public visibility promotes the tapestries and Inuit art in general.
Pangnirtung weavers prepare a loom for a commissioned work, 2002
Pangnirtung Tapestries, unique Inuit art from Canada
The Pangnirtung Tapestry Studio Uqqurmiut Centre for Arts and Crafts P.O. Box 453 Pangnirtung Nunavut XOA ORO Canada Tel: Fax: All art work depicted in this presentation are copyrighted by the artists and the Uqqurmiut Centre for Arts and Crafts All rights reserved