The leading producer of eco-friendly, biodegradable, water-soluble plastics & polymeric materials Eco-logical A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED ECOPOL S.P.A. Legal Office: Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 2 – Montecatini Terme (PT) - Italy Production Site: Via Tazio Nuvolari, Carraia - Capannori (LU) – Italy Tel / – / Fax / web: VAT No.
Eco-logical Nowadays, awareness of risks connected to pollution and concern about environmental protection have reached such a level that governments are forced to take action in this regard. In particular, EU environmental regulations provide that the materials used in the building and packaging sectors and in the car industry should be renewable and recyclable or biodegradable. To this end, it is necessary to replace traditional plastics with new materials not containing any polluting component. Moreover, a higher awareness of the problems caused by the many landfills has lead the plastic industry to focus on the need to find a really biodegradable solution. Plastics: many problems, one good solution A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical Hydrolene ® ’ s basic polymer is polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), which is well known for its water-solubility. Ecopol avails itself of patented compounds of PVOH-based chemicals, to manufacture a wide range of products. Ecopol’s versatile technology makes it possible to produce bubble extruded films and injection moulded items with excellent physical-mechanical properties. The material itself has remarkable hydrophilic features which favour its water- solubility and subsequent biodegradability in water (waste water of industrial cycles, surface fresh and salt water). The Material: Hydrolene® A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical The Hydrolene ® plastic has the following characteristics: WATER-SOLUBILITY BIODEGRADABILIT Y NON-TOXICITY GOOD BARRIER Product Characteristics A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical SOLUBILITY WATER-SOLUBILITY ’s Hydrolene ® ’s water-solubility depends on the following elements: PVOH grade: The polyvinyl alcohol grade used in the formula determines the dissolution conditions of the product. Water Temperature: the higher the temperature, the faster the dissolution rate. Water Agitation: the more agitated the water, the faster the dissolution rate. A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical BIODEGRADABILITY BIODEGRADABILITY Many studies have been carried out on our material, according to which it has been classified as biodegradable in a watery environment. More specifically, Hydrolene ® biodegrades in accordance with the following standards: DIN 54900, ISO 14851, ISO 14852, ASTM D5209, ASTM D6691, EN Tests carried out in a watery environment A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical NON-TOXICITY NON-TOXICITY Non-toxicity of Hydrolene ® has been assessed, in conformity with European regulations, on the basis of the following specific tests on the product: Toxicity on Daphnia Magna; - Toxicity on algae (Pseudokirchneriella Subcapitata); - Toxicity on bio-luminescent bacteria (Vibrio Fischeri); - Identification analysis of absence of heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Chrome VI). HIGH BARRIER Hydrolene® is impermeable to gases and aromas, providing a stronger barrier than traditional plastics do. Moreover, it does not interact with traditional organic solvents, and it has remarkable physical-mechanical properties, a good dimensional stability and a good machinability. A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical Research & Development In order to guarantee the best assistance to its Customers, Ecopol avails itself of an internal R&D laboratory, where analyses and studies are carried out on all products. A continuous research and development of new materials and applications is fundamental in an industry characterised by an ever growing dynamism. Ecopol pays utmost attention to Quality Control and Quality Assurance in order to guarantee high-quality products to its Customers. A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical Ecopol has a long-standing and well-established relation with the Dept. of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of Pisa University, and collaborates with it in a programme targeted to optimise its own formulas and to carry out research on new materials. The researching staff of the University, specialised in the study on eco-friendly polymeric materials, provides all the necessary technological and scientific support in the field of biodegradable, water-soluble and oxo-biodegradable polymers and plastics. Collaboration with Pisa University A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical Ecopol has made a commercial co-operation agreement, with exclusivity for the Italian territory, with the Company Soluble Film Packaging S.A. in Valencia (Spain), aimed to market mono-doses made of water-soluble film in various sizes containing liquids, solids or powders. Business co-operations and partnerships This co-operation has made it possible to offer Customers the finished product already packaged as requested by Customers themselves. A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical The production process Raw Materials GranulationMixingExtrusion Printing and Converting Finished Product Regeneration A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical Our polymeric material can be converted and sold in different forms such as pellets, film and glue. Pellets: The pellet can come neutral or coloured. It can be bubble extruded or blow extruded or injection moulded. This is a semi-manufactured product normally used to produce both rigid items and film. Film: The film can be welded, glued, laminated with paper, cut, printed and metallised. It can be further converted into bags, mono-doses or into smaller reels of various sizes. Glue: It is suitable to stick materials such as paper, cardboard and wood. It can also be used to stick “woven non woven”. One of its particular applications is as a shockproof component to protect delicate surfaces requiring a special care when applied (e.g. taps, tiles). When the work is finished, the glue layer can be removed using a water jet. This product is available in different grades of viscosity according to the applications requested. Our products A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical OUR PELLET: Injection Moulding Blow Extrusion A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical OUR PELLET: Hot Thermoforming Blow Extrusion A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical OUR FILM: Monodose Packaging Detergency Agriculture Building Industry A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical OUR FILM: Packaging of Products for Household Use Textile Sector A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical OUR FILM: BAGS Medical Sector Dyeing Industry Agriculture Active Carbons A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical OUR FILM: Physical and Sublimatic Transfer A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical OUR GLUE: Paper Cardboard Wood Woven Non Woven Shockproof Protection A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED
Eco-logical ECOPOL S.p.A. Legal Office: Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, Montecatini Terme (PT) Italy Production Site: Via Tazio Nuvolari, Carraia - Capannori (LU) Italy Tel / Fax web: VAT IT A PLASTIC TO LAST ONLY AS LONG AS NEEDED