Textiles and the Decorative Arts Characteristics: Made from cotton, animal and grass fibers. Woven cloth made on narrow and horizontal looms. Motifs and patterns of cloth produced by a variety of techniques: such as resist dyeing, tie dyeing, weaving, and direct painting on the fabric. Cloth indicates status, personal and group identity, as well as the wearer’s occupation. Often done to beautify, complement, and enhance the body. Cloth is the fabric of immortality— “Cloth does not die, only wears to shreds” “It is cloth we should greet before greeting the wearer”
Ibadan Dun—Ibadan is Sweet, Pleasurable, Enjoyable Indigo dyed fabric, Yoruba 20 th century
Woman painting designs With feather and cassava starch
Woman displays completely Dried stenciled patterns
The dying stage
Third stage of the dying process
The final product
Bogolanfini Artist Bamana Peoples, Mali Mud cloth 20 th century
Bogolanfini—Mud cloth, Bamana Peoples Mali, 20 th century
Bogolanfini—mud cloth, Bamana Peoples, Mali, cotton and natural dyes 20 th century
Bogolanfini—Mud cloth, Bamana Peoples, Mali, cotton, natural pigments 20 th century
Adinkra, Akan, Ghana Cotton, pigments 20 th century
Berber Blanket, wool and natural pigments, Morocco, 20 th century
Berber Textile, Hand woven wool, with natural pigments 20 th century
Fon applique, Fon Peoples, Benin Republic Cotton, 20 th century
Funerary Cloth, Ibibio, Nigeria Cotton, 20 th century
Warriors in Quilted Cloth Armor, Djerma (Hausa) Peoples, Niger, 20 th century
Woman weaving at the Vertical Loom
Weaving on the Narrow loom, Yoruba Peoples, Nigeria 20 th century
Hand woven fabric Yoruba Peoples, Nigeria Cotton, silk 20 th century
Dandogo, Yoruba, Nigeria Cotton, natural dyes 20 th century
Dancer in Dandogo, Yoruba Peoples, Nigeria, 20 th century
Kente, Akan Peoples, Ghana/Ivory Coast Cotton, silk 20 th century
Kuba cloth, Kuba Peoples, Congo, raffia and natural pigments, 20 th century
Ruler in Kente, Akan Peoples, Ghana Cotton, gold, leather 20 th century
Orangun of Ila, (Ruler of Ila) Yoruba, Nigeria Cotton, beads, leather 20 th century
Hausa Royalty, Hausa, Nigeria Cotton, velvet 20 th century
Titled Chief in front of Nsibidi cloth Note the feathers in cap, Leopard teeth necklace and the elephant Tusk in his hand
Ekpe members in procession wearing the Ukara cloth, Igbo Nigeria
Kalabari Ijaw, Funerary Textile Display in the Jelly Fish Pattern, Buguma, Nigeria
Egungun costume on display at the Studio Museum, New York Yoruba Peoples, Nigeria. Cotton, leather, metal, cowries, 20 th century
Egungun Performance, Yoruba, Nigeria
Ijele Masquerade, Igbo, Nigeria Cotton, wood, plastics, leather 20 th century
Elephant masks in performance, Cameroon
Ejisuhene Nana Diko Pim III, Wearing the great Warrior shirt And Hat with amulets, Akan Peoples, Ghana Cotton, leather, metal, horns and cowries 20 th century
Ruler’s beaded shirt, Yoruba, Nigeria Beads, cotton 20 th century
Sango Priests in a ritual dance, Yoruba, Nigeria, cotton, leather, cowries 20 th century