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textbox center Resurrection Roadshow Essentials for the Road Show Acts 1:1-3
textbox center If you were to die today, what would people say about the life you lived?
textbox center What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.
textbox center It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you. It's what you leave behind you when you go.
textbox center We leave our most profoundly positive impact on those around us by the nature of our lives and the example we set—not by how busy we are, or how important we believe we are.
textbox center Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think. Horace
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textbox center Romans 14:10 ends, For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
textbox center So then each of us shall give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12
textbox center Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Luke 9:1,2
textbox center Whenever God invades a situation He leaves a mark.
textbox center The kingdom of God is so essential that Jesus TOLD us to PRAY about it.
textbox center 1.There is NO END to the limits of His kingdom! 2.The kingdom is WITHIN you…and it’s within ME. 3.Your prayers are far more important than you may realize. 4.Make the fear of the Lord and the love of God true companions in your life.
textbox center Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20
textbox center In Ephesians 1:19 Paul is praying that we would know the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places.
textbox center Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, the kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, see here, or see there. For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20,21
textbox center We have within each and every one of us a KINGDOM that can OVERTAKE and CONQUER any force that stands in our way.
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