Tin-Glazed Earthenware 1217 B.C. Faenza Italy Alec Roberts Ceramics
Key Points Tin-glazed pottery is a majolica pottery covered in glaze containing tin oxide which is white, shiny and solid. The pottery body is usually made of red or buff colored earthenware and the white glaze. Earthenware is pottery made of clay fired which can be made solid to liquids by the use of a glaze. Majolica is typically brightly painted over an solid white background glaze.
Key Facts Tin-glazed earthenware, was always usually made in a workshop in a families homes in Faenza Italy, where they had all the materials. Materials/How it was made - 40% ball wet mud/dirt, 28% kaolin – a soft white clay for fillers, 32% quartz hard colorless material that is shiny. Purpose/Function – These are plates/bowl for putting object in or on for inside a home. They are decorative items also.
Key Facts/History Texture – smooth/glossy, because of the white glaze and it is soft. Shape – a round plate, slate or bowl Each plate, bowl or slate that is made, always has a picture or symbol that means something special or can tell a story.