Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks
Daily Question Correctly place the following Igneous Rocks Contact Metamorphic Regional rocks Correctly place the following statements in the Venn Diagram. Occurs at divergent boundaries Occurs at convergent boundaries Forms as a result of melting (magma) Temperature is an agent Pressure is an agent Generates foliated rocks Forms as a result of being near an intrusion of magma Found in mountain belts May have been originally been a metamorphic rock Form at temperatures above 200 oC May underlie several adjacent states
Definitions Metamorphism – mineralogical, chemical, and physical changes that occur in solid rocks. Occurs at depths greater than that of lithification (Diagenesis). Solid state recrystallization – changes that occur without the rock melting (rocks that melt are igneous).
Factors influencing Metamorphism Temperature Pressure Fluid Time Agents of Metamorphism
Factors influencing Metamorphism Temperature below about 150oC, most minerals are stable (little or no metamorphism) above 150oC, reaction rate increases as temperature increases, new minerals begin to form above 600oC, some minerals begin to melt (transition to igneous rocks) Temperature a function of depth within the Earth and the presence of a magma
Factors influencing Metamorphism Pressure as pressure increases, pore spaces reduced and density increases, pore fluids are expelled Minerals recrystallize and begin to realign Differential stress pressure is greater in one direction than in another
Temperature, Pressure and Rock Type
Effects of Stress Uniform Differential
Factors influencing Metamorphism Pore fluids (water and carbon dioxide) as pressure increases, pore fluids are expelled Pore fluids increase the rate of metamorphic reactions by: storing ions involved in reactions moving ions from one place to another Chemical Fluids from Magmas Carry ions from the melt Fluids increase the temperature in the rock
Veins Solutions are deposited in fractures and joints
Factors influencing Metamorphism Time solid state recrystallization is a slow process in general, size of minerals increases with time
Types of Metamorphism Burial Metamorphism 2. Contact Metamorphism 3. Regional Metamorphism
Metamorphism & Plate Tectonics
Types of Metamorphism Burial Metamorphism most common type, occurs where crust is greater than 5 km thick Relatively low temperature and pressure (low grade metamorphism) Maximum stress vertical, foliation parallel to ground surface
Types of Metamorphism Contact metamorphism Occurs in rocks around a magma body High temperature (heat from magma) “bakes” the rock around the magma creating an alternation High temperature & fluid primary agents, little to no pressure (occurs at shallow depths in the crust)
Non-foliated Metamorphic Rocks Granular texture Interlocking grains Composed primarily of one mineral Uniform grain size
Contact Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism
Types of Metamorphism Regional metamorphism Large scale – large volume of rock is affected Associated with convergent plate margins and mountain building Folding and faulting increase thickness of the crust Occurs over a range of temperatures and pressures Fluids are also present Low grade to high grade metamorphism Will have zones of contact metamorphism
Regional Metamorphism
Metamorphic Grade
Metamorphic Grade As pressure and/or temperature increases, the grade of metamorphism increases
Low Grade Metamorphism Example: Slate Rocks become more dense and compact forms at low temperature and pressure microscopic crystals dull luster clay and mica minerals foliated
Low Grade - Slate
Metamorphic Grade
Intermediate Grade Metamorphism Example: Phyllite intermediate temperature and pressure small crystals shiny luster mostly mica minerals foliated
Intermediate Grade – Phyllite
Metamorphic Grade
High Grade Metamorphism Example: Schist high temperature and pressure large crystals mica-rich foliated
High Grade - Schist
Metamorphic Grade
High Grade Metamorphism Example: Gneiss high temperature and pressure large crystals mica-poor foliated
High Grade - Gneiss
Rock Cycle
Regional Revisited Slate Phyllite Schist, Gneiss Magma
Nonfoliated - Marble metamorphosed limestone (CaCO3) bedding and fossils obliterated
Nonfoliated - Quartzite metamorphosed quartz-rich sandstone Pore spaces filled with SiO2
Metamorphic Facies Different minerals form at different temperatures and pressures Group of stable minerals define a facies