Introduction to Archetypes Lesson 1
What do all people have in common? Why do people share these things? What are you afraid of?
All people share… the same fears. Darkness Death The Unknown Snakes
All people share… the same taboos. Cannibalism Incest Murder Child Abuse
All people share… the same dreams. Falling Teeth Falling Out Being Lost Being Chased Flying Being Unprepared
All people share… the same stories. The Creation of the World The Flood The Hero’s Quest These stories are archetypes.
What are “archetypes”? Pronounced “AR-kuh-types” Patterns, templates, or prototypes of human behavior and experience “inherent dispositions” - stuff we’re born with “deposits of the constantly repeated experiences of humanity” - Carl Jung “In each of these images there is a little piece of human psychology and human fate, a remnant of the joys and sorrows that have been repeated countless times in our ancestral history. . . .” - Carl Jung
Characteristics of Archetypes They are not individual, but shared with all humans. They are the inherited part of being human - connects us to all other humans who ever have or ever will live. They are not directly knowable, but express themselves in forms. They are universal across all human cultures, regardless of historical time or geographical location. They keep showing up in all forms of human experience and expression.
Who’s this “Jung” guy? Jung - pronounced “young” 1875-1961 Swiss psychologist who worked with Sigmund Freud Came up with the idea of “the collective unconscious” An important guy to know if you’re studying archetypes!
Tabula Rasa (Blank Slate) All of reality is contained in the “time and space box.” The box is locked up tight. The “Unknown” has no influence. We start our lives as “blank slates.”Everything we know is learned within our lifetime.
The Collective Unconscious Instead of “the unknown,” the “time and space box” is surrounded by the “collective unconscious.” Archetypes hang out outside of the “time and space box” and generally effect us through our unconscious minds. We are not “blank slates.”
Where do archetypes show up? Myths Legends Dreams Literature Art Music Movies Anywhere humans have expressed their feelings, thoughts, emotions, and ideas…
Situational Archetypes Types of Archetypes Character Archetypes Situational Archetypes Symbolic Archetypes
What does this have to do with me? You are human, aren’t you? The repeating patterns we call archetypes are a “built-in” part of your everyday life - you just haven’t noticed yet… Carl Jung believed that archetypes are so important to humans that if we lose touch with them, we’ll go crazy! Becoming aware of archetypes can help you feel connected to the rest of humanity. You may even come to see how your own life is shaped by these ancient patterns of human experience.
Next Up: Character Archetypes