A web based planning and advising system for you.
What is it all about? Web-based software – log in from any computer with internet access Web-based software – log in from any computer with internet access Each student & parent has own account Each student & parent has own account Program that helps with post secondary planning Program that helps with post secondary planning
Our Objectives Today are to: Introduce YOU to Naviance Show how useful Naviance can be to YOU Help YOU match your interests to career areas and occupations Help YOU get information about career fields in line with your interests Teach YOU about the Holland Codes and how they can help YOU connect to careers
Two Ways to Access Naviance 1. Go to the Stillwater Junior High Webpage at sjhs.stillwater.k12.mn.us a) Click on Counseling Department on the left tool bar on the left tool bar b) Click on the Naviance link 2. Go directly to the Naviance website
How to Log In Enter the username and password from the sticker on your worksheet
Your High School Counselor at SAHS
Click on “about me” tab
Click on “profile”
Click on pencil and enter your address
Scroll Down…look at GPA You have a clean slate! Start building a solid GPA in 9th Grade.
Unweighted vs. Weighted GPAs Based on SEMESTER grades AP Geography…only 9th grade class with weighted grades
Decile Ranking Top 10%=Decile 1 Top 30%=Decile 3 Top 50%=Decile 5 Honors/Awards: 4.0> recognition 3.75> stoll white cord gold cord Your highest GPA/range will be recognized
Click on “Careers” tab Then click on “career interest profiler”
Read the Introduction…. Click “Start Profiler” to begin the Interest Inventory
Review your results…complete the back of your handout and learn where your interests fall within the Holland Codes Then click “View Matching Occupation List” and read about careers suited to your interests
The Holland Code Model is a theory of careers by psychologist, John L. Holland, who believed that interest could be associated with six types of personalities and work environments: Realistic (doer) - practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented Investigative (thinker)- analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative Artistic (creator) - creative, original, independent, chaotic Social (helper) - cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing Enterprising(persuader)-competitive environments, leadership Conventional (organizer) - detail-oriented, organizing, clerical R I A S E C The top three in order of preference reveal a career theme. i.e. SEA
Occupations that match your interests will be listed according to the amount of preparation needed to work within the career area. Click on an occupation that interests you to learn more about it.
Check out info Look at Holland Code Related Occupations Click + add to my list to record as a favorite
Click on “about me” tab
Click on “game plan”
Enter your general goal after you graduate from high school
Enter your top two career interests
Scroll to the bottom: Click “Save changes”
Continue to explore at home… Explore courses, colleges, careers… Finish your game plan… Build a resume…. Take a learning styles inventory…. Record your favorite colleges and careers… This will be your permanent record through all of high school!!
Questions? Please contact your SJH School Counselor: Chris Otto (Grade 9 A-K) or Lisa Horowicki (Grade 9 L-Z) or