APA Without Agony Reference List Entries
Overview Basic Principles Follow author-date system Follow author-date system Credit words and ideas from other authors Credit words and ideas from other authors Give complete information on source location Give complete information on source location What about… How to Create APA-style References Models Models Free citation makers Free citation makers
How does it work? Used in social sciences to Acknowledge sources of information Acknowledge sources of information Allow readers to locate original sources Allow readers to locate original sources intext citationreference entry Based on publication criteria for American Psychological Association (APA) Ferrari, J. (2000, Special Issue). Procrastination and attention: Factor analysis of attention deficit, boredomness, intelligence, self- esteem, and task-delay frequencies. Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 15(5), Retrieved from Academic Search Elite database. Ferrari (2000) has classified procrastinators as arousal types, avoiders, and decisional procrastinators. Author-date system
How does it work? Within a paper
Can you see the problem(s)? (2009) Steel, P. (2009). Theories of procrastination. Retrieved from Recently Steel found that traditional explanations of procrastination, including fear of failure, self-handi- capping, and rebelliousness, were not supported by research. In his view, only Temporal Motivation theory has been validated. Recently Steel found that traditional explanations of procrastination, including fear of failure, self-handi- capping, and rebelliousness, were not supported by research. In his view, only Temporal Motivation theory has been validated.
What are APA’s principles? Author-date system Acknowledge any words or ideas from other sources. Acknowledge any words or ideas from other sources. Provide enough information to locate your sources. Provide enough information to locate your sources.
Principle 1: Credit twice According to Bennis (1997), sixteen assistants worked with him to create this masterpiece. References References Bennis, W. (1997, Winter). The secrets of great groups. Leader to Leader, 3. Retrieved from knowledgecenter/L2L/ winter97/bennis.html Reference list entries point to the original. Parenthetical citations point to the reference list.
Principle 2: Locate the source Like Hansel and Gretel, follow the breadcrumb trail
Reference List Format Author. (Date). Retrieval information. Book Journal Web article Perrin, R. (2006). Pocket guide to APA style. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Cuddy, C. M. (2002). Demystifying APA style. Orthopaedic Nursing, 21(5), Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. APA documentation. (2006). Retrieved from University of Wisconsin Writing Center Web site: DocAPA.html
Be Complete Handbook/DocAPA.html
Be Complete Terrace, H. S., Petitto, L. A., Sanders, R. J., & Bever, T. G. (1979). Can an ape create a sentence? Science, 206, Washoe: The signing chimp. (n.d.) Retrieved February 5, 2005, from Mrs. Smith’s class Web site: classprojects.html
Nonretrievable Info Retrievable books magazines web articles newsgroup postings videos Nonretrievable Include in reference list letters s in-person interviews Cite only in text (S. Oh, personal communication, August 27, 2007) phone calls
What’s the error? Plotz, D. (2002, December 11). The plagiarist: Why Stephen Ambrose is a vampire. Slate. Retrieved from Plotz, D. (2002, December 11). The plagiarist: Why Stephen Ambrose is a vampire. Slate. Retrieved from INTEXT CITATION (Plotz, 2002)
What’s the error? Gesundheit, A. (2009, August 28). Interview with Kaplan librarian. Plotz, D. (2002, December 11). The plagiarist: Why Stephen Ambrose is a vampire. Slate. Retrieved from INTEXT CITATION ONLY (A. Gesundheit, personal communication, August 28, 2009).
Details, details No authorNo author No dateNo date Many authorsMany authors One chapterOne chapter Sponsored siteSponsored site DOI (digital object identifier)DOI (digital object identifier)
What about… no author? Usually APA is author-date. A correct citation never begins with a date. If no author is given, move title before date. The basics of APA style. (n.d.). Retrieved from APA Style Web site: apastyle/basics/index.htm
What about…no date? Use n.d. Steel, P. (n.d.). Definition. Retrieved August 28, 2009, from Procrastination Central Web site:
What about…many authors? Consult the Publication Manual, Table 6.1 Diana Hacker’s site Diana Hacker’s site Diana Hacker’s site Uwisconsin handout Uwisconsin handout Uwisconsin handout
What about…one chapter? If it’s by one author, cite the book. If it’s a chapter in a book with many authors, cite the chapter and the book. Benedict, J. (2000). Sports culture contributes to domestic violence. In T. L. Roloff (Ed.), Domestic violence: Opposing viewpoints (pp ). Greenhaven, CT: Greenhaven. Titles of books, movies, and other complete works are italicized.
What about…sponsored site? Site sponsor is identified just before URL Readers can judge source credibility Serial murder: Multidisciplinary perspectives for investigators. (2005). Retrieved from Behavioral Analysis Unit, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime Web site:
What’s a DOI? Mayer, D. (2007, June). Why Write? To Impact Patient Care! Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 323. Retrieved May 20, 2008, doi: /07.CJON.323 first spotted in EBSCO Mayer, D. (2007, June). Why write? To impact patient care! Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 323. Retrieved May 20, doi: /07.CJON.323
Citations: Follow the model
Quality: Too much missing? Road rage and teens. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2007, from alyplace/mystory.html If several elements of a full citation are missing, is the source credible enough to use?
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Dig Before Omitting Author check beginning and end of article visit the home page check links like “About Us” check beginning and end of article visit the home page check links like “About Us”
Where Info Hides Author distinguish site titles and subheads from article titles visit the home page check “About Us” check beginning and end of article look for “last updated” use most recent copyright date (not 1997–2007) Date Title check beginning and end of article generally, title is closest to article be alert to external links
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