Author: Sheila Turnage By: Adiev Alexander
How did Mo’s upstream mother die? She died from a hurricane She got caught in a tsunami She fell off a 30 story building She died in a car accident
Who is the main character in this story? Mo Dale Lavender The Colonel
Who is the double agent? The colonel Ms. Lana Deputy Marla Detective Joe Starr
How was Slate captured? Dale and Mo put their karate to work Ms. Lana fought back then escaped Detective Joe Starr captured Slate with a tazor The colonel knocked him out
Why did Slate kidnap Ms. Lana and the Colonel? The Colonel had a suitcase full of money Ms. Lana was in possession of three diamonds The Colonel and Ms. Lana each owned a Lamborghini The colonel had one million dollars worth of 24 carrot gold
Who is Detective Starr’s partner? Officer Jill Deputy Marla Mrs. Simson Sheriff Jack
Who kidnapped Mrs. Lana and the Colonel? Slate Detective Starr Mrs. Rose Lavender
Why did Dale steal Mr. Jesse’s boat? Dale really liked Mr. Jesse’s boat Dale’s family lacked money Dale wanted to give it to Lavender Dale wanted to go fishing with Mo
Who does karate? Mo Attila Dale All Of The Above
Who owns the café? Mrs. Lana and the Colonel Mrs. Rose and Mr. Rose Detective Starr and Mrs. Retzil Mr. Jesse
Who is Mo’s best friend? Attila Dale Li Jane
Who stole Mr. Jesse’s boat? Dale Mrs. Retzil Lavender The Colonel