Rieke Elementary PTA April 9, /12
2 March 2012 – Agenda Membership Update Unit in Good Standing Report Finance Report – 2012/13 Preliminary Budget Officer Slate Preliminary Survey Results Parent Education Series PPS Budget and potential impact Brainstorm New Business
3 Membership Update Currently have 181 members Goal of 233 (52 to go!) Last year membership reached 212 Why Join PTA? Collectively we can impact all children We are voice speaking on behalf of children We ensure children excel in spite of obstacles such as lack of funding and resources We provide Enrichments, such as Technology and Music We provide teacher grants We provide funds for purchasing library books We fund safety concerns, such as helping with the parking lot improvements
4 February 2012 – Unit in Good Standing Report Submitted Officers List – done Submitted Approved Budget – done Submitted Membership Report – done Submitted Year end Financial Report – done Annual Audit Report of last fiscal year – done Standing rules and local unit bylaws turned in – done IRS 990 – done OR CT-12 – done Liability and bonding insurance – done Three individuals trained – done Done
5 2012/13 Preliminary Budget Income $27,000 Special Events: Back to school picnic $1K, Art Fair $5K, Carnival $1K Fundraising: Donations $4K, PTA dues $2.5K, Others $13.5K (includes Restaurant nights, scrip, book fair, box tops, valley theater, etc) Expenses $24,195 Support Personnel: $13K (this year funded technology and music) Library Books Grant: $1K Teacher Grants – $1.8K Program Costs: $5,025 (includes Parent Education, Directory, Chess Club, Science Fair, Field Day, Landscaping, Green School, Back to School Staff Lunch, First Day of School Coffees, Special Friends Day, Kindergarten Roundup, Family Support Fund, PTA Clothing Closet, PTA Council Student Aid fund, Safety Patrol, Teacher Appreciation Week, Sock Hop Administrative Expenses: $3,790 (includes Dues, Bank Charges, Postage, Insurance, Training Fees, Copying costs, Survey, registration fees) YTD P/L - $2,805
6 PTA Board Positions – 2012/13 Officer Slate President: Ruth White Vice President – President Elect: OPEN Vice President – Membership: Patty Fale Co-Treasurer: Becky Horvat & Amber Burket Co-Secretary: Shannon Pullen & Curtis Roth Volunteer Coordinator: Jamie Repasky Events Coordinator: Tania Giger & Tiffany Schuster Communications/Media Coordinator: OPEN Foundation Representatives: Anne Eddy & Kelly Laboe Fundraising Coordinator: Kelly Laboe LET’S VOTE!!! Thank you to Susan Jewell, Linda Huseby and Jen Merrill!
7 Preliminary Survey Results 60 respondents; all grades represented: 29% 3 rd & 5 th, 28% 2 nd grade 67% are PTA members 47% never attend meetings Early results show mixed feelings regarding the items funded by the PTA; clearest support library books & directory Although directory is strongly supported there were several suggestions to make it an online resource with the option to pay to print 38% attended a parent education sessions; those that attended gave them high marks Other suggested parent education topics: how to help with homework, how to advocate for your child, Oregon’s education funding – is there anything we can do?, help with social awkwardness issues, how to negotiate with PPS, bullying, the new math program, sibling issues
8 Preliminary Survey Results 49% participated in science fair, those that didn’t mentioned schedule as the main issue 53% participated in most fundraisers; 11% in all fundraisers Poinsettia’s sales were voted on most often for possible elimination Interestingly, in the comments Sally Foster was mentioned several times – both thanking the PTA for eliminating it and suggesting it be eliminated Other fundraiser ideas: virtual Rieke store, Turkey Trot/fun run, Affinity program, ask for donation amount, plate dinner, father/daughter or mother/son dance,
9 Parent Education Series – Amy Ruono Tuesday, April 10 th at 6:30pm; Amy Ruona with PPS, “Transitioning to Middle School” in the Rieke Library This is the last Parent Education event of the year so don’t miss it!
10 Thank you! Mark your calendar: Last meeting of the year! PTA meeting Monday, May 14 th 6:30pm