V OCABULARY : Audition: Process in which a director makes casting decisions for a program by watching and listening to prospective performers. Camera Rehearsal: See Dry Run. Cast Breakdown by Scene: Listing of the program’s cast members that indicates the scene numbers in which they appear. Dry Run: Practice session of scenes in a program that includes the talent, technical director, audio engineer, camera operators, and director. Also called a Camera Rehearsal. Equipment Breakdown: List of each scene in a program with all the equipment needed to shoot each scene. Location Breakdown: List of each location included in the program with the corresponding scene numbers that take place at the location. Prop List: List of each prop needed for a production.
V OCABULARY (C ONTINUED ): Prop Plot: Listing of all the props used in a program sorted by scene. Scene Breakdown by Cast: Listing of each scene number in a program with all the cast members needed for each scene. Script Breakdown: Analyzing a program’s script from different perspectives. Shooting for the Edit: Process in which a director plans exactly how each scene in a program will transition from the scenes that immediately precede and follow it. Production shooting then follows the director’s plan. Shot Log: See Take Log. Slate: Board or page that is held in front of the camera noting the scene number, the take number, and several other pieces of information about the scene being shot. Take: Term that identifies each time an individual scene is shot. Take Log: Written list of each scene and take number that have been shot and recorded on a particular tape. Also called a Shot Log.