Super Crayon Maker Sanjna G., Makenzi K., & Adrian V. Ages 6 USA
Our Invention Idea We thought of many problems that we have at home and school. We decided to invent something so that kids can still use crayons even when they get very small.
Joseph Binney found Peekskill Chemical Works to make charcoal and lamp black. Binney & Smith created red oxide pigment used in barn paint and carbon black used for car tires. The Company began making slate school pencils. 1903 – The company made the first box of eight Crayola crayons containing red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown, and black sticks. us/company/history.aspx Inventions and Ideas of the Past
Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it might work. We invented a small plastic piece with a small hole at the top. Just put the piece of crayon in the hole and hold the plastic with your hand to color. We used our invention to draw a picture!
Our Prototype
Testing our invention.
Keep improving our invention.
Marketing our invention. The Super Crayon Maker is perfect for kids of all ages! Just attach the Super Crayon Maker to your small crayons and like magic, you can color. No need to buy new crayons. Super Crayon Maker is easy to use and costs less than a box of crayons.