Service Learning Academic aTtainment Evaluation Conducted for the CalServe Initiative By Sasha Neumann
Identify the roles and expectations of partnership coordinator (or designee) in SLATE process Review results of prior studies Define the purpose of the SLATE process Outline the procedures for SLATE process Provide reflection ideas for SLATE process
Provides data to one of six key areas for evaluation, Section 2 – High quality service learning. Documentation of high quality service learning Assess student proficiency on two content standards
LEA School Boards CalServe Partnership Coordinators Service learning site advocates Other key stakeholders and decision makers Teachers better understand how high quality service-learning helps their students’ achieve content standards and Increases student engagement Provides evidence consistent with national research
“These projects make a difference in the students’ lives.” “I have had the opportunity to see the powerful effects service learning has had on my students...” “Thankful for an opportunity to explicitly look at my own professional development as a service-learning practitioner.”
CalServe funded Partnerships Partnerships identify at least 3 teachers, preferably one per grade span CalServe Regions STEM Projects representing various regions
Regional Evaluation Facilitators (REFs) Partnership Coordinators Local Evaluator
Webinar Teacher recruitment Pre-flection with SL Quality Checkup Tool Teacher Identification Form Student Tracking Form Reflection with SL Quality Checkup Tool SLATE survey
Partnership Coordinator (or designee) Recruits SLATE teachers January/February Works with SLATE teachers to complete TIF Reviews and submits TIF to REF - February 4 Works with SLATE teachers to complete STF Assists SLATE teachers in completing SLATE survey Reviews and submits STF & SLATE survey to REF – May 6
Recruit and excite teachers Recognize successful projects and invite participation Share “Teacher Benefits” comments Conduct interviews (pre-flection) SL Check Up Tool; ensure progress towards high quality service learning Complete Teacher Identification Form SLATE teachers TIF to Partnership Coordinator (or designee)
All teaching & projects aligned to standards California State Content Standards that most directly align with the service-learning activity California State Content Standards Standards most important to school and LEA Use district benchmarks Use standards from district wide assessments Focus on two content standards
Assumed all teachers collect data for standards achievement through assessing students Meet & dialogue with SLATE teachers Identify assessments being used Discuss potential of comparison to district wide data Discuss what defines proficient and non-proficient
Identify 2 Standards Report whether students achieved proficiency (1) or not (0). Track how many days project spanned (discuss this as a group so teachers include all days) Record student attendance data Double check each others Student Tracking Forms for accuracy SLATE teachers STF to Partnership Coordinator (or designee)
Find time to meet as a team with SLATE teachers. Bring completed STFs Conduct SL Check Up Tool via dyad interview Complete SLATE survey on PDF SLATE teacher s SLATE survey to Partnership Coordinator
Teacher reflections from surveys Perspectives on evaluation make a difference Encourage curiosity and promote insights Use data to promote team reflection Provide time for teachers to share successes Celebration activities