James Clerk Maxwell By Tashawna Maxwell By Tashawna Maxwell
Einstein’s Big Idea This is a movie that tells the story about the famous equation E=mc 2 Many scientist, who have also influenced the science community are introduced throughout the movie Scientist often influenced each other in their discoveries This is a movie that tells the story about the famous equation E=mc 2 Many scientist, who have also influenced the science community are introduced throughout the movie Scientist often influenced each other in their discoveries
Characters FSome of the scientist in the movies included: FEinstein, Michael Faraday, Mileva Maric, Lise Meitner, Emilie du Châtelet, and James Maxwell FI will be talking more in dept about James Clerk Maxwell FSome of the scientist in the movies included: FEinstein, Michael Faraday, Mileva Maric, Lise Meitner, Emilie du Châtelet, and James Maxwell FI will be talking more in dept about James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell
Early Life FBorn: 13 June 1831 in Edinburgh, Scotland F He was very curious and smart FAt the age of 14, Maxwell wrote a paper on ovals, and while doing so generalized the definition of an ellipse FBorn: 13 June 1831 in Edinburgh, Scotland F He was very curious and smart FAt the age of 14, Maxwell wrote a paper on ovals, and while doing so generalized the definition of an ellipse
Accomplishments FAttended the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge FBecame the first Professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge, at the age of 25 F On 25th November 2008, a statue of James Clerk Maxwell was unveiled in Edinburgh FAttended the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge FBecame the first Professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge, at the age of 25 F On 25th November 2008, a statue of James Clerk Maxwell was unveiled in Edinburgh
Research and Findings Fdeveloped the classical electromagnetic theory FMaxwell's equations (four partial differential equations) FGeneralized the definition of an ellipse Fdeveloped the classical electromagnetic theory FMaxwell's equations (four partial differential equations) FGeneralized the definition of an ellipse
Final Hour FMaxwell gave his last lecture course at Cambridge. FDied: 5 Nov 1879 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England FMaxwell gave his last lecture course at Cambridge. FDied: 5 Nov 1879 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Legacy FKnown as the father of modern physics FJames Clerk Maxwell Foundation: promotes, encourages, advances, and commemorates work in the science FKnown as the father of modern physics FJames Clerk Maxwell Foundation: promotes, encourages, advances, and commemorates work in the science
Maxwell’s Impacts FPhotography: analyzed the phenomenon of color perception, which led him to invent the trichromatic process FEngineering: the first to show how to calculate stresses in framed arch and suspension bridges FSpacer Exploration: discovery of electromagnetic radiation led to the development of radio and infra-red telescopes FAnd much more FPhotography: analyzed the phenomenon of color perception, which led him to invent the trichromatic process FEngineering: the first to show how to calculate stresses in framed arch and suspension bridges FSpacer Exploration: discovery of electromagnetic radiation led to the development of radio and infra-red telescopes FAnd much more
What Others Thought About Him FIvan Tolstoy “Maxwell's importance in the history of scientific thought is comparable to Einstein’s (whom he inspired) and to Newton’s (whose influence he curtailed)” FMax Planck "He achieved greatness unequalled” FEinstein “The special theory of relativity owes its origins to Maxwell's equations of the electromagnetic field." FIvan Tolstoy “Maxwell's importance in the history of scientific thought is comparable to Einstein’s (whom he inspired) and to Newton’s (whose influence he curtailed)” FMax Planck "He achieved greatness unequalled” FEinstein “The special theory of relativity owes its origins to Maxwell's equations of the electromagnetic field."
Bibliography Fhttp:// system.org/~history/Biographies/Ma xwell.htmlhttp:// system.org/~history/Biographies/Ma xwell.html Fhttp://alpcentauri.info/james_maxw ell.htmlhttp://alpcentauri.info/james_maxw ell.html Fhttp:// org/html/the_foundation.htmlhttp:// org/html/the_foundation.html Fhttp:// system.org/~history/Biographies/Ma xwell.htmlhttp:// system.org/~history/Biographies/Ma xwell.html Fhttp://alpcentauri.info/james_maxw ell.htmlhttp://alpcentauri.info/james_maxw ell.html Fhttp:// org/html/the_foundation.htmlhttp:// org/html/the_foundation.html