Manor Middle School Su Frank John Tally John Maxwell Curriculum The 8th grade math curriculum focuses on basic principles of pre-algebra, proportional and non- proportional linear relationships and probability. Resources: *Math * Middle School Holt online math textbook Think Through Math Supplies Loose leaf paper (throughout the year) Highlighter Tissue (throughout the year) Planner Pencils/erasers Classwork is given on a daily basis over the material taught that day. Any classwork not completed in class is understood to be homework for that day and is due the next school day. All work must be completed with a pencil. This is intended to provide immediate feedback to both the teacher and student on what the student has learned, so always try your best. Some students may complete this assignment in class if they use their time wisely and can take it home for you to see. It is in the student's best interest to keep up with assignments so they will not be at a disadvantage or overwhelmed with the material as we progress through the year. Students earn 20 points each day which consist of the following: -10 points-completed homework -5 points-warm-up -5 points-notebook and planner Tutoring Mandatory tutoring is available on Thursdays after school for those students that are failing. Tutoring is available to all others by appointment any other day as long as there is no previous engagements. Tutoring is intended to assist students having difficulty with certain math concepts. Tutoring is not to re-teach material when the student has failed to complete his/her notes in class or copy examples given in class. When a student attends tutoring it is expected for the student to present his/her notes from the class, to include the examples given in class. Progress in class Progress reports will be posted in class by student identification number at least once a week (usually on Monday). Your student should never tell you that he/she does not know how they are doing in math class. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can view student grades on eSchoolPlus. We encourage you to take advantage of this system to monitor your student’s grades for all classes. You may request more information at the counselor’s office. Progress Reports: All students are provided progress reports at the midpoint of each 9- week grading period regardless of their average at that time. Please review the report, sign, and return it. Make-up Work Make up work is explained in the Student Planner. Students are responsible for asking for their make-up assignments upon return from an absence. If your student is having difficulty with an assignment, please consider having them attend a tutoring session where more individualized time is available to explain the material.
In order to take advantage of extra credit opportunities, the student must adhere to the following expectations: The student must complete the daily tasks as expected (arrive on time, warm-up, homework, notes, classwork) The student must make an effort to attend tutoring at least two times per week The student must not participate or contribute to any classroom disruption All test corrections must be completed before any extra credit is awarded The student must actively participate in the class (i.e. being on task, completing notes/examples, asking/answering questions) The teacher reserves the right to refuse to provide students the benefit of earning extra-credit if these expectations are not met. These opportunities are designed to help boost your grade, not supplement missing assignments. Any extra credit must be completed before the end of the grading period. Grades 9-week grades are determined from: Homework/Classwork/Quizzes: 45% of overall grade Tests/Exams: 55% of overall grade. Failed assignments A Notice of Concern will be sent home in the event the student fails a test which represents 55% of their overall 9-week grade. Students will have one opportunity to make corrections on any failed test. Students must complete this task during after school tutoring. This provides the student an opportunity to raise their grade to a passing grade (70%) for that assignment. The test corrections must be completed prior to the end of the grading period in which the test was initially administered. Student Planner Students are required to fill in their planner on a daily basis. This is the best way to keep you informed on what your student is doing in math class. We make an effort to stamp the planner daily. If you are not seeing stamps, then your student is probably not bringing the planner to class Discipline 1. Verbal warning 2. Verbal warning and parental contact 3. Lunch detention and parent contact 4. Counselor referral 5. Referral to Office (severe discipline will go straight to referral). Students are expected to be on time and arrive prepared for class. They must be in their seat when the tardy bell finishes ringing. If a student is late, he/ she must have a pass (NO EXCEPTIONS). They are expected to have the necessary supplies to learn the day's lesson. Students are expected to read and complete the task(s) projected on the board. During instruction, students may not talk or otherwise distract others. Students may move around the classroom to complete specific tasks such as sharpen a pencil, get tissue, or when required for an activity. They are not allowed to wander around the classroom simply to visit with friends. Contact: You may contact your child's teacher by calling the school at (254) , or by at We recommend whenever possible.