Conesus Lake – Upstream Changes Maxwell Farms Farm plan developed by Nathan Herendeen, Nancy Glazier, John Hanchar, and the Maxwell Brothers
Maxwell Farms – Changes initiated in 2003
Manure Handling Practices Spread manure away from Home Farm (Graywood Creek) Apply according to spreading schedule from CropWare Program – rate per acre based on soil tests, crop needs, manure analysis and Phosphorus Index of fields Record application rates for each field
Calf Manure Spread calf manure on fields with lowest risk for stream contamination Leave calf hutches empty for 3 – 4 weeks between cycles Maintain grass filter downslope from calf hutches
Calf hutches and grass filter at Maxwell
Cow exercise lot north of barn On rainy nights in the summer, cows are not let out of the barn to use the pasture or exercise lot to the north of the barn. This prevents runoff of manure contaminated water from this area. This area is not used at all during the winter.
Handling of mortalities Mature animals to renderer Calves and young heifers composted
Fertilizer Practices Rate per acre based on soil test, manure application rates, rotation credits and realistic crop requirements Used Pre-Sidedress Nitrogen Test on demonstration field, resulted in NO sidedress application of nitrogen. Yields did not suffer.
Fertilizer - continued Hosted Phosphorus Starter Demonstration plot Corn planted with four rates of starter fertilizer Yields – no difference
Strip crops at Maxwell Farms
Strip crops on Maxwell Farms
Cover Crops Cover crop planted on field harvested as corn silage. This was a cool growing season so harvest and planting were late and growth was less than ideal. But, some cover crop is better than none.
Land Management Practices Purchased additional farm land & buildings Tile (sub-surface) Drainage – feet installed since 2001 Strip cropping on home farm Strip cropping, grass filter strips – south of cow barn in runoff area Permanent sod on east field – farm runoff
Barber Farms
Installed Terraces & WASCOB Cover crop on dry bean acreage Traded acreage and is growing alfalfa on some HEL acres Fertilizer reduction recommended
Terraces & WASCOB at Barber Farms
Jim Gray Farm Sold dairy cows – reduced manure volume no more milkhouse waste water Rotational grazing system installed Manure being injected by farm renters
Manure Injection at Gray Farm
Water Quality? Tile line installation, strip crop layout, terraces, etc.; all caused land disturbance during 2003 season. Benefits in reduced turbidity, N, P and organics in water not likely to be seen until 2004 growing season Downstream monitoring data should start to show results in 2004