Ray Sozzi Residence # 3
Master Bedroom Bedding Existing Bedroom Furniture Signoria- Milano in Ivory
Bedroom # 2 Bedding Existing Bedroom Furniture Signoria- Madison in Ivory Espresso Note: This Bedroom Collection is currently in Bedroom # 5 upstairs, but is to be placed in Bedroom #2 Downstairs.
Bedroom #4 Bedding Existing Bedroom Furniture Note: This Bedroom Collection is currently in a white finish but is to be re-stained in a Dark Cherry finish. Signoria- Tiffany in Coffee
Bedroom #5 (Parents Room) Signoria- Madison in Ivory Butter Purchased Bedroom Furniture Note: This Bedroom Collection was approved and is currently being ordered. The furniture that was previously used in this room will now be used in Bedroom #2.
Front Gate Options Front Gate Option 1 Note: Please chose one of the following options for the front gate.