122, 124, 126 Palatine Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 4DS Of interest to investors Opportunity for a strong Return On Investment 13 flats spread over three properties £475,000 Mob: Tel: (01253) FOR SALE Preliminary details
Externally There is a small forecourt to the front of the properties and small private yards to the rear of each property. Location The property is conveniently located on Palatine Road immediately opposite The Blackpool and the Fylde College University centre. Potential rental income The flats in their current condition have the potential to make £67,080 per annum subject to being fully tenanted and achieving their current asking rents Council Tax Each flat is currently assessed for Council Tax purposes under Band A Services All mains services are either connected or readily available on Palatine Road EPC – to be provided Price: £475,000 Viewing & Negotiations All viewing arrangements and negotiations should be conducted strictly through the Sole Selling Agent: Contact: Jonny Cuddy Michael Cuddy Chartered Surveyors Estate Agents & Valuers 290 Church Street Blackpool Lancs, FY1 3QA Tel: Mob: Website: Michael Cuddy, Chartered Surveyors for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that (i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) None of the appliances nor service installations have been tested and their condition is not known.(iv) no person in the employment of Michael Cuddy, Chartered Surveyors has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. Accommodation The accommodation comprises:- 122 Flat 1 (ground floor) Occupied, two bedrooms, shower, kitchen, basement (to be completed), £120 PW, Flat 2 (first floor front) Under refurbishment, two bedrooms, shower room, kitchen, £120 PW First floor access down to rear yard Flat 3 (second floor front) under refurbishment, one bedroom, kitchen, shower room, £90 PW Rear Yard – one store 124 Flat 1 (ground Floor front) one bedroom, kitchen, shower room, £90 PW Flat 2 (ground floor rear) – two bedrooms, kitchen, shower room, access to basement, gas fire, card meter, £120 PW Flat 3 (first floor rear) one bedroom, kitchen, shower room, all single glazed windows, £90 PW Flat 4 (first floor front) occupied, one bedroom, kitchen, electric heater, £90 PW Flat 5 (second floor front) one bedroom, kitchen, shower room, tank immersion heater, £90 PW Rear yard – two stores 126 Flat 1 (ground floor front) – one bedroom, kitchen, shower room, £90 PW Flat 2 (ground floor rear) under refurbishment, two bedrooms, access to rear yard, access to basement, £120 PW Flat 3 (first floor rear) under refurbishment, one bedroom, kitchen, £90 PW Flat 4 (first floor front) one bedroom, kitchen, shower room, £90 PW Flat 5 (second floor front) occupied, one bedroom, kitchen, hallway, shower room, £90 PW Basement – Kitchen, Plumbing for bathroom, Tiled flooring, Firs door, electric meter cupboard Rear yard – one store