Board of Trustees Meeting Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments Process Monday, April 2, 2012
Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Project Schedule 3.Board of Trustees Public Hearing on Draft Comp. Plan (4/16) 4.BFJ Presentation on Proposed Zoning Code Amendments and Map 5.SEQR (separate item)
Project Schedule
Village of Port Chester, New York April 2, 2012
Zoning Code and Map Amendments: Overall Scope First stage of Zoning Code and Map Amendment process based on key recommendations set forth in Comprehensive Plan Foundation for future amendment process aimed at Code modernization and reorganization Zoning Code amendments will implement the overall vision and recommendations established in an adopted Comprehensive Plan.
Zoning Code and Map Amendments: Overall Approach Reduce potential future density increases throughout the Village Preserve and protect the existing character of the residential neighborhoods Identify strategic areas for limited growth opportunities to help absorb development pressures in the Village’s lower- density areas Improve development predictability and coordinate private development with public investments in transportation and infrastructure systems.
Residential Districts: Key Strategies Floor area ratio (FAR) reductions in all residential districts Maximum building height reduction in the RA3 and RA4 districts Five strategic upzonings Eliminate PTD Planned Tower Development district
Residential Districts: Proposed FAR & Maximum Building Height Reductions
Residential Zones: Proposed Upzonings R2F
Residential Zones: Proposed Upzonings R2F
Nonresidential Districts: Proposed Zoning Map Amendments
Nonresidential Districts: Proposed Zoning Map Amendments
Non-Residential Zones: Key Strategies Commercial C1: Neighborhood Retail district No Changes C2: Central Business district New C2: Main Street Business district C3: Design Office and Commercial district Modified C3: Office and Commercial district C4: General Commercial district Modified C4: General Commercial district New C5: Train Station Mixed Use district (based on existing C2 district) Eliminate PRSP Planned Railroad Station Plaza Development district Waterfront Eliminate MUR Marina Urban Redevelopment district Rezone waterfront area C3 and DW
Nonresidential Districts: Proposed Dimensional Requirements
Nonresidential Districts: United Hospital
Dimensional CharacteristicsStandards and Requirements Maximum Total FAR*0.80 Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for hotel/convention center0.40 Maximum FAR for commercial uses0.20 Maximum FAR for residential uses0.20 Maximum FAR for senior housing/assisted living0.15 Maximum FAR for community facility0.10 Maximum site coverage70% Maximum building height for hotel*8 stories Maximum building height for commercial/residential uses* 5 stories (55 feet) (4 residential floors over ground floor commercial) 8 stories (85 feet) by special permit Residential Apartments Only efficiency (studio), one-bedroom and two-bedroom dwelling units shall be permitted Proposed Planned Mixed-Use District (PMU) *The proposed maximum FAR of 0.80 would be comprised of any combination of permitted uses, bonusable to an FAR of 1.0 and 10-stories by special permit.
Proposed Density Bonus Program District Floor Area RatioMaximum Allowable Building Height As of RightBonusAs of RightBonus C2 Main Street Business N/A C5 Train Station Mixed Use stories (90’)10 stories (120’) PMU Planned Mixed Use stories (85’)10 stories (100’) All bonuses subject to approval by the Board of Trustees 3 types of bonus funds: Downtown parking garage Open space Housing Rehabilitation Program Improvement(s) can be made by applicant or payment into fund at 10% of assessed value of the bonus.
Next Steps April 16 th - BOT Meeting Final BOT comments due on Draft Comp Plan and Draft Zoning Amendments (BFJ) Hold DGEIS Public Scoping Session and receive comments from public (F&A) Close DGEIS Scoping Session May 7 th - BOT Meeting Adopt Final DGEIS Scoping Document (F&A) Final Public Hearing Draft of Comprehensive Plan (BFJ) Final Public Hearing Draft of Zoning Amendments (BFJ) Schedule Comp Plan and Zoning Amendments Public Hearing (BFJ) June 18 th – BOT Meeting Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments Submit Preliminary DGEIS to BOT for internal review (F&A)
Next Steps QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS to Christopher Steers, Assistant Village Manager