Sleeping Well, Make It Easy Dr Fei Wang, PhD, Acupuncturist
Knowledge about sleep It is observed in all mammals, all birds, and many reptiles, amphibians, and fish. In humans, other mammals, and a substantial majority of other animals that have been studied (such as some species of fish, birds, ants, and fruit flies), regular sleep is essential for survival.birdsreptilesamphibiansfishfruit flies
Knowledge about sleep Sleep is divided into two broad types: Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM or non- REM) sleep, mins,then Non-Rapid Eye Movement Rapid Eye Movement (REM),5-15mins. REM sleep accounts for 20-25% of total sleep time in most human adults.Rapid Eye Movement
Age and conditionAverage amount of sleep per day Newbornup to 18 hours 1–12 Months14-18 hours 1-3 years12-15 hours 3-5 years11-13 hours 5-12 years9-11 hours Adolescents9–10 hours[28][28] Adults, including elderly7–8 (+) hours Pregnant women8 (+) hours
There are many everyday reasons for not sleeping well: the bedroom may be too noisy, too hot or too cold the bed may be uncomfortable or too small you don't have a regular sleep routine you partner has a different pattern of sleep from you you aren't getting enough exercise you eat too late - and find it hard to get off to sleep you go to bed hungry - and wake up too early cigarettes, alcohol and drinks containing caffeine, such as tea and coffee
More serious reasons include: emotional problems difficulties at work anxiety and worry depression - you wake very early and can't get back to sleep thinking over and over about problems. illness, pain or a high temperature
Definition Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterised by persistent difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep It is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both".
Numbers and facts It is estimated that a third of people in the UK have bouts of insomnia. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services in the year 2007, approximately 64 million Americans regularly suffer from insomnia each year, while its population in 2007 was 306 million.Department of Health and Human Services Interestingly insomnia is 1.4 times more common in women than in men.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, insomnia is strongly related the Heart and Shen
Three main meridian systems There are three main meridian systems which often contribute to the disruption of heart and shen the liver system can be disrupted by excessive stress and/or anger, fatty food, and alcohol the spleen system can be disrupted by poor diet, late-night eating and excessive worry and over-thinking the kidney system can be disrupted by anxiety, fear, overworking, poor sleep itself and excessive sexual activity.
What if I don't sleep? you are tired all the time you drop off during the day you find it difficult to concentrate you find it hard to make decisions you start to feel depressed. you more likely to get high blood pressure, diabetes and be overweight.
Helping yourself Do's Make sure that your bed and bedroom are comfortable - not too hot, not too cold, not too noisy. Make sure that your mattress supports you properly. If it's too firm, your hips and shoulders are under pressure. If it's too soft, your body sags, which is bad for your back. Generally, you should replace your mattress every 10 years to get the best support and comfort. Get some exercise. Don't overdo it, but try some regular swimming or walking. The best time to exercise is in the daytime - particularly late afternoon or early evening. Later than this can disturb your sleep. Take some time to relax properly before going to bed. Some people find aromatherapy helpful. If something is troubling you and there is nothing you can do about it right away, try writing it down before going to bed and then tell yourself to deal with it tomorrow. If you can't sleep, get up and do something relaxing. Read, watch television or listen to quiet music. After a while you should feel tired enough to go to bed again. Have more tryptophan rich foods, such as milk,oats, beans,honey,bananas,eggs, hazelnuts,peanuts etc.
Don'ts Don't go without sleep for a long time - go to bed when you are tired and stick to a routine of getting up at the same time every day, whether you still feel tired or not. Caffeine hangs around in your body for many hours after your last drink of tea or coffee. Stop drinking tea or coffee by mid-afternoon. If you want a hot drink in the evening, try something milky or herbal (but check there's no caffeine in it). Don't drink a lot of alcohol. It may help you fall asleep, but you will almost certainly wake up during the night. Don't eat or drink a lot late at night. Try to have your supper early in the evening rather than late. If you've had a bad night, don't sleep in the next day - it will make it harder to get off to sleep the following night. Don't use slimming tablets - many of these will tend to keep you awake. Don't use street drugs like Ecstasy, cocaine and amphetamines - they are stimulants, and like caffeine, will tend to keep you awake.
Acupuncture & Chinese medicine Both acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine provide natural treatments to insomnia, and can be used jointly in most cases for the best result. It is quite safe and virtually free of side effects.
It has been scientifically demonstrated that acupuncture can have an effect on the body's central nervous system, and can increase levels of several neurotransmitters, including serotonin. Acupuncture promotes natural sleeping patterns, and doesn’t have the hangover effect that most sleeping pills do.
Other alternatives Head or full-body massage Reflexology Hypnotherapy Meditation Music therapy Aromatherapy