Mazowsze The region I live in Alicja Bełdowska
Mazowsze in Poland Mazowsze is the region in Poland where I live. It is located more or less in the middle of Poland (Mazowsze is marked pink colour on the map) and it is all lowland – there are no mountains.
Mazowsze Mazowsze Province, short characteristics: province area: 35,47 thousands Km2 (it is 11% of all area in Poland) population: 5068 thousands main cities are: Warsaw, Plock, Radom, Siedlce and Ostroleka main rivers are: Wisla, Bug, Narew, Pilica main lakes are: Zdworskie or Zegrzynskie forests take 22% of all area of Mazowsze National park: Kampinoski
Interesting places in Mazowsze Places that are worth seeing: Warsaw: Old Town, Lazienki park, Royal castle Zelazowa Wola – Chopin’s birth place Palace in Nieborow Podkowa Lesna – town garden near Warsaw Warsaw Old Town Podkowa Leśna - Kasyno
Warsaw!!! It is important and worth seeing city in Mazowsze because it is the capitol of Poland. It was knocked down in the second war but after it was reconstructed. You can visit there Old Town or Royal castle. There live 1615 thousands of people.
Nature in Mazowsze The bigest national park in Mazowsze is Kampinoski National Park. It covers the area of 38500 hectares. There are 76 endangered and 226 protected animals spieces. The bigest animal living in the park is elk. There are over 300 marked tourist routes.