Artist and his work Bartosz Opania and his roles in films and plays.
Biography of Bartosz Bartosz was borned in Warsaw in 6 th of December He is son of famous polish actor Marian Opania. He played in theatre tv, in theatre and in films. He has two sons. His roles:
Mateusz in Peters Wereśniak In loves In In Loves Bartosz plays Mati. Mati derive money from women, who are in love with him. Everything is changed when he meet Zosia, who gain money in the same way.
Simon in Michaels Rosa Silent In Michaels Rosa Silent Bartosz plays Simon, lost railwayman, who has caused an accident in childhood. In that accident have died Mimis parents. Since that moment Simon watches Mimi and falls in love with her. Simons role in this film is really hard to play.
Józef Andryszek I in Jan Jakub Kolski The story of cinema in Popielawy In The story of cinema in Popielawy Bartosz plays Józef Andryszek I, the first of Andryszeks clan, inventor of cinematograph machine. For this role Bartosz was nominated to Eagle for the best mans role.
John in Jans Jakub Kolski Keep away from the window In Keep away from the window Bartosz plays John. One day to Johns and Barbras house comes Jewess asking for help. Women stays in their house and one day becomes pregnant- father of her child appeared John.
Miki in Dariuszs Zawiślak Christmas adventure In Christmas Adventure Bartosz plays Miki. This film is not as good as other films with Bartosz. This film is the first polish independent commedy with special-effects.
Wiktor in Marks BukowskiSuccess In Marks Bukowski Success Bartosz plays Wiktor. This film tells the story of people, who are 30 years old, who were borned in PRL and now have to live in the world they dont really understand.
Jerry Ryan in Wojciechs Adamczyk play Two for the seesaw In Two for the seesaw Bartosz plays Jerry Ryan. One day Jerry met Gizela during the party. After meeting eachother for several times, they become couple. The only problem is that Jerry really loves his whife, with whom is divorcing.
Urban Grandier in Wojciechs Adamczyk The Devils In The Devils Bartosz plays Urban Grandier, young priest, who is accused of collusion with devil. As a result he is tortured and burnt at the stake.