Paradise Falls (# of Guests it can hold) Location
25 one bedroom ( # in hotel) List features of one Bedroom
25 one bedroom #2( # in hotel) List features of one Bedroom #2
40 Basic Room ( # in hotel) List features of Basic Room
10 Two Bedroom ( # in hotel) List features of Two Bedroom
Amount of money needed to outfit our resort Room Needs: $910,095
Amount of money needed to outfit our resort Bedroom Needs: $537,035
Amount of money needed to outfit our resort Bathroom Needs: $21,840
Amount of money needed to outfit our resort Kitchen Needs: $109,440
Amount of money needed build hotel rooms Building Cost : one bedroom $120,575 One bedroom #2 $159,600 Basic room $117,520 Two bedroom $89,370
Cost to stay in room each night Amount in one night : one bedroom $4,975 One bedroom#2 $5,150 Basic room$4,360 Two bedroom3,400
Two extension questions. 1The three other ways you would need math planning a real hotel would be water bill, pay check, and food bill. 2 It would cost us $ 1,800 for us to buy the food for the people in the hotel for free breakfast for three days.