Perception & Practice Ha Tran, Danwei Wu, and Tong Xu
Perception & Practice In 2012, Know Your Status, a HIV/AIDS awareness group at Duke, published results from a three year study on 1,000 Duke students: 55.4% of students exhibited risky behavior, including unprotected sex, sharing needles, and having two or more sexual partners in the past year However, 90.7% of these same students considered themselves at a “very low risk” or “nonexistent risk” of HIV Is there a disparity between perception of HIV/AIDS risk at Duke and daily practices of safe sex at Duke?
Students’ perception of HIV/AIDS “When I hook up with someone, I feel pretty safe. I’m on birth control, and I mean, we’re all Duke students so there’s really small risk of HIV.” “Of course I’m concerned with HIV/AIDS…but not on campus. I know it’s an epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa—that’s what we should be concerned about.” “My research is focused on HIV/AIDS, but honestly, it’s just lab work to me. I don’t really see it as a threat in my personal life.”
“Research has shown that a large proportion of young people are not concerned about becoming infected with HIV. This lack of awareness can translate into not taking measures that could protect their health.” –Center for Disease Control and Prevention, April 24, 2013
HIV/AIDS is closer than we think In 2004, North Carolina health workers identified the first HIV outbreak among college students in North Carolina. -Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections
“We decided to call this an outbreak because we saw such a dramatic increase in the number of HIV cases among college students. Plus, the fact that we found many cases of acute or recent infection means there is a concern that the infection is spreading,” said Dr. Lisa Hightow, an Infectious Disease Fellow at UNC Chapel Hill “The rise in the number of college students with HIV is a concern of ours,” said Administrative Coordinator of Student Health and Health Education Specialist, Ray Rodriguez, “We are not in a vacuum.” Duke Student Health Director Dr. Bill Christmas: “..students are now beginning to use testing as a way of prevention, rather than safer sex practices.” “HIV outbreak hits college campuses,” Duke Chronicle, February 15, 2004
Goals of P&P Project Gauge perception of HIV/AIDS in the Duke student body How informed are Duke students about HIV/AIDS? How can be increase awareness of HIV/AIDS in a way that is conducive to college students? Identify current practices of safe sex in the Duke student body Ultimately, we want to identify why the disparity between perception and practice exists, and what we can do to eliminate it
Utilize social media Used multiple forms of social media to achieve project goals Facebook: The Blue Perspective—spread HIV/AIDS awareness Duke Qualtrics—conduct survey on student body to identify practice of safe sex
Perception We created the A for Awareness campaign, where students would be quizzed on HIV/AIDS related topics A for Awareness helped us educate and reinforce HIV/AIDs topics in the Duke community The quiz format was developed to stimulate normal testing environments for students, who are already familiar with learning through quizzes and tests in the classroom Students who got an “A” on their quiz received a picture to spread awareness to their friends on social media sites During our 3-week campaign, we reached students from all different student organization, backgrounds, and socioeconomic levels
The Blue Perspective
Students help spread awareness
A for Awareness Reach
Practice of Safe Sex In order to identify safe sex behavior in the student body, we created a survey to gain: Demographics (major, gender sexual orientation, student organizations) Opinions about sex-related activities Personal reports on sexual activity Ran statistical analysis of responses
Results Gender and power dynamics in the bedroom: Pearson Chi-Square p = 0.006
Results Gender and power dynamics in the bedroom: Men are more likely to view men and women as having equal say in the bedroom. Women are more likely to view men as the more dominant gender in the bedroom.
Responses Do you think that men and women have equal say in the bedroom? “Unfortunately, I don’t think they have an equal say. It seems like it’s the woman’s role to say “No” when she feels uncomfortable, but there’s this unspoken default of “Yes.”
Results Major and power dynamics: Pearson Chi-Square p = 0.021
Results Science and math major were more likely to view bedroom power dynamics as equal. Gender was a confounding variable since major and gender was found to be correlated. In the sample, nearly all the males reported that they were science and math majors.
Results Duke Students tend to overestimate the number sexual partners their peers have.
Results Duke Dating Culture: 73% of responder did not think that dating at Duke is like dating outside of Duke. Many responded saying that Duke is a ‘safe communal space.’ 100% of responded thought that non-Duke students were at a higher risk of transmitting STDs. Approximately 92% of responders used protection during their most recent sexual encounter.
Results Trends that were not statistically significant: 30% of women have intervened while only 12.5% of men have intervened on a friend they believe was about to engage in risky sexual behavior.
Findings and Implications A majority of Duke students do practice safe sex While students may not view HIV as a risk, the majority of individuals use protection Brings up social issue between bedroom dynamics between men and women May continue after college
Limitations Sample size and diversity of sample Mainly heterosexual Mainly women Small sample size
Leaving Duke All students perceived a higher risk of HIV/AIDS outside of Duke Once students leave, what can we do?
Looking forward Publicize our findings to the Duke community in order to inform the student body Facebook page The Chronicle FACE AIDS Duke Student Health Continue promoting The Blue Perspective Facebook page Create an Awareness collage, comprised of pictures of Duke students, to display on campus Continue gathering data on the survey to gain a larger participant pool—perhaps publish those findings next semester as a follow-up study
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