Unit 9 Butterflies and Elephants Deborah Soong.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 9 Butterflies and Elephants Deborah Soong

Teaching ActivitiesIndex

1st period 1. Warm-up Warm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-8 The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading – Paragraphs 1-8 Reading – Paragraphs 1-8 2nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 9-13 The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading - Paragraphs 9-13 Reading - Paragraphs Post-reading Post-reading 3rd period 1. Word File Word File 2. Sentence Patterns Sentence Patterns 3. Expansion Expansion 4. Writing Practice Writing Practice 4th period Conversation and Listening Practice Teaching Activities

Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 1-8 -Paragraphs 1-8

Warm-up 1.__________________________ 2._______________________ 3. __________________________ 4._______________________ 5. __________________________ 6. _______________________ Back

Listen to paragraphs Skip

Now, Answer the following questions.

_____ In the reading, the speaker was attending a _____ contest. (A) quiz (B) festival princess (C) karaoke (D) speech B

_____ The microphone died _____ after the speaker started her speech. (A) 13 minutes (B) 13 seconds (C) 30 minutes (D) 30 seconds D

Several hundred faces stared at me. stare (vi.) 盯著看,注視 與介係詞 at 連用 stare (vt.) 常與副詞片語連用 The teacher stared the boys into silence. It is rude to stare other people up and down. me. Several hundred faces stared at me. dly → Hundreds of people looked fixedly at me.

Some people were laughing softly; others quietly attentive. Some people were laughing softly; others quietly attentive. → Some people were laughing softly, and others were quietly attentive. 此句構為省略句 (ellipsis) ,為了避免動 詞重複,故將第二個動詞省略 。 Some students go to school by bus; others (go to school) by train. nd The sun shines in the daytime, and the moon (shines) at night.

Dressed in a white gown, I stood onstage. Dressed in a white gown, I stood onstage. → I was dressed in a white gown, and I stood onstage. 這是由對等子句簡化而來的分詞構句用 語,因兩個子句的主詞相同,故省略分 構句中的主詞。 day. Being sick, I stayed at home all day. Fred went out, shutting the door behind him.

I was one of six girls in the senior class who had been voted “princess” to represent our high school in a huge, citywide festival. who 引導形容詞子句修飾先行詞 one of six...class ,為限定用法,因子句的事件 發生的時間比較早,故用過去完成式。 ed in. Only the people who had reserved seats in advance were allowed in.

When I was selected, I knew that I’d eventually have to give a speech to the student body, so with considerable anxiety, I decided to take on the challenge and conquer my fear of public speaking. give a speech = deliver/make a speech 演說 The professor is due to give a speech on the economy tomorrow. Next

When I was selected, I knew that I’d eventually have to give a speech to the student body, so with considerable anxiety, I decided to take on the challenge and conquer my fear of public speaking. 與 student 相關的名詞片語 : the student body ( 學校的 ) 全體學生 student council ( 美 ) 學生自治會 student loans 學生貸款 student union ( 英 ) 學生自治會; 學生活動中心 student teacher 實習老師 Next

When I was selected, I knew that I’d eventually have to give a speech to the student body, so with considerable anxiety, I decided to take on the challenge and conquer my fear of public speaking. with + 抽象名詞 = adv with anxiety = anxiously with anger = angrily with ease = easily with interest = interestedly Next

When I was selected, I knew that I’d eventually have to give a speech to the student body, so with considerable anxiety, I decided to take on the challenge and conquer my fear of public speaking. take on I can’t take on any more work. ( 承擔 ) The manager decided to take her on as an assistant. ( 雇用,採用 ) her face When Linda heard the news, her face ef. took on an expression of disbelief. ( 外觀呈現 … 狀態 )

Little did the audience know that as I stood there looking “all together,” my heart beat wildly. 此為 little 的否定倒裝句,為了強調句中的 否定詞,而將其提至句首,改成倒裝句。 Little did we know about the sailor’s background. Little did the audience know that as I stood there looking “all together,”.... → The audience knew little that.... Next

Little did the audience know that as I stood there looking “all together,” my heart beat wildly. as 在此相當於 when 的用法, 表示「當 … 的時候」。 The movie started as we got there. together 在這裡不是「一起」的意思, 而是指非常有自信,很有自制力的。

Then I decided that must not be true at all—surely, they could hear the hammering of my heart. 為句子副詞 (sentential adverb) ,為作者 對某個觀點或現象作評註的獨立修飾 語,這種用法也可以與「 It is/was+Adj+ that-clause. 」 的句型互換。 Surely, I will stand by you forever. Truly, English is the world’s international language. 原句 = → It was sure that they could hear the hammering of my heart.

Dear God, what am I doing?

No butterflies remained in my stomach. No, now I had elephants! 慣用語 “have/get butterflies in one’s stomach” 表示「很緊張不安,心神不定」。 I had butterflies in my stomach when I took an exam this morning.

The thundering herd was threatening to trample me inside out. herd 為「 ( 同種類動物的 ) 群」,後面 可接單數或複數動詞。 A herd of horses was/were running in the plain. 英文中「一群」不同的動物有不同的 名詞修飾: a flock of sheep/birds/geese a pack of foxes/dogs a school of fish a swarm of bees/insects

Nervousness filled my veins, making me feel light-headed. making...light-headed 為分詞構句,因主 詞與主要子句相同,故省略。 Nervousness filled my veins, making me feel light-headed. → Nervousness filled my veins and made me feel light-headed.

I stepped to the microphone.

Aware of all the heads bobbing in the sea before me, I began my speech. 現在分詞片語 bobbing...me 為關係子句簡 化而來的,修飾前面的名詞 all the heads. Do you know that woman carrying a large umbrella? [Aware of all the heads bobbing in the sea before me], I began my speech. hich → I was aware of all the heads which were bobbing in the sea before me. I began my speech.

A few phrases tumbled out quickly, the tremor in my voice noticeable. the tremor...noticeable ,因主詞 (the tremor) 與主要子句的主詞不同,故保留。 A few phrases tumbled out quickly, the tremor in my voice noticeable. quickly, → A few phrases tumbled out quickly, s and the tremor in my voice was noticeable.

Yet with the crowd quieted down, a growing sense of confidence began to build as each word left my mouth. with + O + OC (Adj/V-ing/V-en) 的用法, 表附帶狀態。 Jessica lay still on the grass with her eyes closed. … 」。 as 相當於 when 或 while ,表示「隨 … 」。 he The man gets more charming as he grows older.

My muscles relaxed. My breathing eased. Maybe the weeks of practicing before my bedroom mirror were paying off. “Maybe I can really do this,” I thought.

So much for my onstage vacation.

Disaster struck as quickly as a rainstorm in the Bahamas! 為 as Adv/Adv as 的同等比較法, as...as 結 構前可用副詞 almost, just, half, nearly 等 修飾。 Henry didn’t dress half as strangely as Tom. You’re sewing nearly as neatly as Ally. The Introduction of Bahamas

巴哈馬 (Bahamas) 位於美國佛羅里達州東南海岸 對岸,約由 700 個島嶼和沙洲以及近 2,400 個低而 貧瘠的岩礁層所組成,屬於亞熱帶氣候,全年分 冬 ( 12-4 月 ) 、夏 ( 5-11 月 ) 兩季。群島受墨西哥灣流 及大西洋和風的影響極大,平均氣溫自冬季 21 ℃ 至夏季 27 ℃,年雨量平均為 1,170 公釐,且 7 月中 旬至 11 月中旬為颶風季節。 NEXT

At first, all I knew was that the amplified sound of my voice had become distant....all I knew was that.... →...all that I knew was that.... →...what I knew was that.... 在 all S V is/was + V 的句型中,後面多 省略 to ,直接接原形動詞。 name All you have to do is sign your name here.

Like an echo you were supposed to hear but couldn’t quite. be supposed to 應該 Jimmy is supposed to be of an age to understand such things. Like an echo you were supposed to hear but couldn’t quite. → It was like an echo that you were hear supposed to hear but couldn’t hear quite clearly.

Just thirty seconds into my three-minute speech, the microphone died....the microphone died. →...the microphone didn’t work/ stopped working.

Glaring at the offending instrument of my potential downfall, I wondered if it was possible to strangle an inanimate object! How could it do this to me? Glaring at the offending instrument of my potential downfall,.... → When I glared at the.... 這是由表時間的副詞子句簡化而來 的分詞構句,因兩個子句的主詞相 同,故省略分詞構句中的主詞。 Next

Glaring at the offending instrument of my potential downfall, I wondered if it was possible to strangle an inanimate object! How could it do this to me? I wonder if/whether.... 表示「我不知道是否 … 」之意。 I wonder if it's better to go to the airport right now.

Outwardly paralyzed with horror and humiliation, I frantically plotted the appropriate reaction. Outwardly paralyzed with horror and humiliation,.... → When I was outwardly paralyzed,.... 分 這是由表時間的副詞子句簡化而來的分 ,故 詞構句,因兩個子句的主詞 (I) 相同,故 省略分詞構句中的主詞。

Should I run from the stage in despair or wait for power to return to the microphone?

Time seemed to stand still, crystallizing a moment of opportunity when intent suddenly meant everything. still 在此為形容詞,語義為「靜止的」。 Stand still or I can’t brush your hair. Time seemed to stand still.... → It seemed that time stood still.... It seems that S + V → S + seem to + V 不是很精確的推論 ; 似乎 … Business seemed to get better this year. Next

Time seemed to stand still, crystallizing a moment of opportunity when intent suddenly meant everything....crystallizing a moment of opportunity. →...and crystallized a moment of opportunity. 此為對等連接詞簡化而來的分詞構句, 因兩個子句的主詞 (time) 相同, 故省略分詞構句中的主詞。 Next

Time seemed to stand still, crystallizing a moment of opportunity when intent suddenly meant everything. when 為關係副詞,用來表示時間,引導形 容詞子句 intent...everything 修飾先行詞 a moment of opportunity 。 The time when the robbery took place was 6 o’clock in the morning. Back