Affirmative and Negative words U5L2 Michaelson
English Grammar Connection: To express a negative idea in English you often use a negative word (no) followed by an affirmative word. In Spanish, negative ideas sometimes require _______________________called a _____________________________. two negative words double negative
In English we do not use double negatives in this way. ___________________ refer to non- specific people, things or situations and can be _____________________. Indefinite words affirmative or negative
Affirmative and Negative Words Affirmative words (sí)Negative Words (no) algo something nada Nothing alguien Someone nadie No one algún/ alguno(s) alguna(s) some ningún/ ninguno(s) ningunas(s) None/ any o…o Either…or ni…ni Neither… nor o or ni nor siempre always nunca Never también Also tampoco Neither, either todavia, aún still todavia no not yet ya already ya no no longer
Affirmative and Negative Word Two of these words must change to reflect number and gender: __________________and ___________________. ______________ and _______________ change forms before ___________________________________________________. Ej: ¿Quieres algún filete ?No, no quiero ningún plato. con carne. masc. sing. noun masc. sing. noun alguno(a/as/os)ninguno(a/as/os) Alguno ninguno singular, masculine nouns.(drop the o ending) Take note that the ending is dropped while an accent is added to the last vowel.
-A double negative is required in Spanish when no comes before the verb. Indefinite words that follow no must be negative.
-When alguien or nadie is the object of a verb, it is preceded by the personal A. Ej: No veo a nadie. I don’t see anyone. (anybody) **Remember to use the ___________________________ ANYTIME a person follows a verb.** personal a