Paper One – Part Two 70 mins The Big Picture Depth Study – Causes and Events of the 1 st World War Why was there increasing tension between the Great Powers, 1890–1914? Did the Alliance System make war more likely? How far did colonial problems create tensions between the Great Powers? Why were problems in the Balkans so difficult for the Great Powers to solve? How important was the Kaiser in causing the worsening international situation? Why did the arms race escalate, 1900–14? Why did the First World War break out in 1914? Why was Franz Ferdinand assassinated? How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to the outbreak of war? How far were the actions of Austria-Hungary, Britain, Germany and Russia responsible for the outbreak of war? How far did the Schlieffen Plan contribute to the outbreak of war? What happened on the Western Front? Why did the war get bogged down in the trenches? What was living and fighting in the trenches like? How far did General Haig mismanage the Battle of the Somme? How important were new developments such as tanks, machine guns, aircraft and gas? What was the importance of America’s entry into the war? Why did Germany agree to an armistice in 1918? How important were the other fronts? Who won the war at sea? What happened in the Gallipoli campaign of 1915? Why was Russia defeated in 1918?
Paper One – Part Two 70 mins What happened on the Western Front? What happened on the Western Front? Why did the war get bogged down in the trenches? What was living and fighting in the trenches like? How far did General Haig mismanage the Battle of the Somme? How important were new developments such as tanks, machine guns, aircraft and gas? What was the importance of America’s entry into the war? Why did Germany agree to an armistice in 1918?
Why did the war get bogged down in the trenches? Explain why the war was not over by Christmas? (6 marks) In pairs find three reasons to answer the question What was a trench? (4 marks) What were the advantages to the defenders of being in a trench? What were the disadvantages of being in a trench for the attackers?
What was living and fighting in the trenches like? Living You have 2 minutes to complete this spider diagram In pairs decide what was the most unpleasant aspect of trench life? Outline the usual plan of attack in four points
How far did Haig mismanage the Battle of the Somme? Source A Our artillery hadn’t made any impact on those barbed-wire entanglements. The result was we never got anywhere near the Germans. Our lads were mown down. They were just simply slaughtered. You were either tied down by the shelling or the machine-guns and yet we kept at it, making no impact on the Germans at all. And those young officers, going ahead, they were picked off like flies. We tried to go over and it was just impossible. We were mown down. Memories of Corporal WH Shaw, Royal Welsh Fusiliers Source B The biggest mistake that was made in training was that we were never told what to do in case of failure. All that time we’d gone backwards and forwards, training, doing it over and over again like clockwork and then when we had to advance, when it came to the bit, we didn’t know what to do! Memories of Sergeant Jim Myers, Machine Gun Corps Which source gives the more accurate explanation for the failure at the Somme? Support your answer with your own knowledge What is the reason in A? What evidence is in the source to support this reason? How does your knowledge support this? Repeat for Source B Answer the question
How far did Haig mismanage the Battle of the Somme? Proof given to the world that the Allies are capable of making and maintaining a vigorous offensive and of driving the enemy’s best troops from the strongest positions has shaken the faith of the Germans. Also impressed on the world, England’s strength and determination, and the fighting power of the British race… The maintenance of a strong offensive pressure will eventually in the enemy’s complete overthrow. Haig to Robertson, 1 August 1916 What is the purpose of this source? The purpose is……. Evidence from the source…… My own knowledge supports this……..
Why do you think this poster was made? Use the source and your own knowledge To gain the full marks you need to explain the message and why it was published Document Skills
How important were new developments such as tanks, aircraft and gas? In pairs for each of the three given developments, give 1)A use 2)A drawback Decide which was the most important development and why What was the importance of America’s entrance into the war in 1917? Using your notes what three reasons can you find why America’s entrance to the war was important Decide on the top reason and prepare to feedback?
Why Did Germany agree to an Armistice? Is this the main reason? Look at the four reasons, re-order them in the order you think they may have persuaded Germany to agree to an Armistice?
Structured Answers Answer one of the following questions You must answer all parts of the question you chose 5a) What was ’No-Man’s land’? (4 marks) b) Explain why tanks were of limited use on the Western Front up until 1917? (6 marks) c) ‘How far was Haig a successful military leader? Explain your answer (10 marks) Remember your structures –use the templates.