: The World at War : The World at War By: Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley H. S. Chappaqua, NY
Causes of the War
What caused World War I? Nationalism Militarism Imperialism Alliances
What alliances divided Europe in 1914? Triple Entente (Allies) – France, Britain, Russia Triple Alliance (Central Powers) – Germany, Austria-Hungry, Italy
1. The Alliance System Triple Entente: Triple Alliance:
Two Armed Camps! Allied Powers: Central Powers:
The Major Players: Nicholas II [Rus] George V [Br] Pres. Poincare [Fr] Allied Powers: Franz Josef [A-H] Wilhelm II [Ger] Victor Emmanuel II [It] Central Powers: Enver Pasha [Turkey]
2. Militarism & Arms Race Total Defense Expenditures for the Great Powers [Ger., A-H, It., Fr., Br., Rus.] in millions of £s Increase in Defense Expenditures France10% Britain13% Russia39% Germany73%
3. Economic & Imperial Rivalries
4. Aggressive Nationalism
What diplomatic crises sparked the war? Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Austria declared war on Serbia Due to extensive alliances numerous other countries were brought into the war (domino-like effect)
The “Spark”
Archduke Franz Ferdinand & His Family
The Assassination: Sarajevo
The Assassin: Gavrilo Princip Gavrilo Princip
Who’s To Blame?
What characteristics describe trench warfare during WWI? Double parallel system of trenches that are divided by no man’s land Rat infested, muddy = soldiers developing illnesses Trenches protected by barbed wire & machine guns
Trench Warfare Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land”
What motivated those who opposed America entering the war? Pacifists – believed war was evil Socialists – believed war was a capitalist & imperialist struggle Many Americans did not believe US should be involved in a war in Europe\ Did not won’t their sons to experience horrors
What motivated those who favored the US entering the war? Immigrants had ties to former homelands Economic reasons
What factors increased American sympathy for the Allies? Stronger Economic ties to Allies Spread of British Propaganda that told stories of German atrocities (later proved false)
Why did the German threat to sink all ships …? Because Germany was making an act of aggression against the US and the US was technically a neutral country Sinking of the Lusitania had already turned public opinion in the US against Germany
What did the Zimmerman note reveal about Germany’s plans? Showed Germany was planning an alliance with Mexico if the US declared war
America Joins the Allies
The Sinking of the Lusitania
The Zimmerman Telegram
11. How did the arrival of new American troops affect the spirit of Allied troops? Troops brought fresh enthusiasm
12. Who led the American troops in Europe? General John J. Pershing
The Yanks Are Coming! The Yanks Are Coming!
Americans in the Trenches
13. What new weapons were used during WWI? Machine guns Airplanes/Airships Poison Gas Tanks
The War of the Industrial Revolution: New Technology
French Renault Tank
British Tank at Ypres
10. What is the significance of the convoy system? Provided protection for US ships Cut shipping losses in half by 1917
Allied Ships Sunk by U-Boats
The Airplane “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917
Curtis-Martin U. S. Aircraft Plant
Looking for the “Red Baron?”
The Zeppelin
Flame Throwers Grenade Launchers
Poison Gas Machine Gun
14. How many people died during WWI? 22 million Note: 20 million more were wounded Note: 10 million became refugees Note: war cost about $338 billion
World War I Casualties
15. How did the war affect the U.S. economy? Wages rose Prices rose Government gained more control Big businesses benefited Labor unions were hurt
16. How did the government finance the war? Raised about 1/3 through taxes 2/3 through bonds (loans)
17. How did the government build support for the war? Propaganda agency Posters, movies, speeches, booklets
18. What groups were the main targets of anti-immigrant hysteria during the war? German immigrants Austrian-Hungarian immigrants Americans of German descent
19. How did the Espionage & Sedition Acts affect civil liberties ? Put limits on right to free speech Prosecuted anyone accused on committing an anti-war activity
20. What was the Great Migration? A large scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks to cities in the North
21. What new opportunities did the war offer to women? moved into jobs that had been previously only held by men Railroad workers, cooks, bricklayers, etc. Volunteers in war support positions
22. What were the effects of the worldwide flu epidemic? Devastated economies Led to the shutdown of major industries Killed 500,000 Americans Killed ~30 million worldwide More than a quarter of soldiers were infected
23. What were Wilson’s Fourteen Points? Plan for peace Addressed all of the issues that caused the war Sought to end militarism, imperialism Improve trade, lower tariffs Creation of an international organization to address diplomatic crises (League of Nations)
24. Why did the Allies reject Wilson’s Peace Plan? Revenge against Germany Insure that Germany would not be able to be in a position of power for a long time
25. What were the main provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? Established 9 new nations Shifted boundaries of other nations Barred Germany from maintaining a standing army Returned Alsace-Lorraine to France Germany had to pay $33 billion to Allies War guilt clause for Germany
26. What were some of the weaknesses of the treaty? War-guilt clause Huge reparations Stripping of German colonial possessions Former Russia lost more territory than Germany Ignored claims of colonized for freedom
27. How did Americans react to the treaty? Major opposition Too harsh Hurt the economy of Europe & US Traded old colonial for new colonial govt’s League threatened US policy of isolationism
28. Why did Americans disagree over the League? Interfered with US policy of isolationism Worried about joint provision Believed it interfered with US constitution
29. Why did Germany object to the Treaty? They were not involved in the treaty negotiations One sided reparations
30. How did the war effect Germany? Devastated the economy Lost millions of lives Destruction of many cities and farmland
31. How did the war affect the US’s power & prestige in the world? Strengthened the US military Strengthened its political power Accelerated US emergence as a major industrial power