Basic Elements of Project Furnish and install a subsurface turf drainage systems at three natural turf athletic fields to alleviate drainage issues and allow the playing fields to be utilized after rain events Furnish and install a subsurface turf drainage systems at three natural turf athletic fields to alleviate drainage issues and allow the playing fields to be utilized after rain events
Scope of Work Provide and install 6” Multi-Flow Drainage Systems, or approved equal, as designed for each field. Provide and install 6” Multi-Flow Drainage Systems, or approved equal, as designed for each field. Dig 4” W X 20” D Trench and disposal of all spoils. Dig 4” W X 20” D Trench and disposal of all spoils. Install the 6” Multi-Flow system per plans and specifications. Install the 6” Multi-Flow system per plans and specifications. Install 8” HPDE transport system and core drill into existing catchbasins at the locations shown on the plans. Install 8” HPDE transport system and core drill into existing catchbasins at the locations shown on the plans. Repair all irrigation damage during the trenching Repair all irrigation damage during the trenching Provide and backfill all trenches with Ortona wellfield Sand, or approved equal. Provide and backfill all trenches with Ortona wellfield Sand, or approved equal. Provide and install 419 Bremuda sod within all disturbed areas. Provide and install 419 Bremuda sod within all disturbed areas. Allow for sufficient grow in period within the individual field closure that play can resume on time. Allow for sufficient grow in period within the individual field closure that play can resume on time.
Multi-flow Under Drains This work shall consist of providing and placing a drainage system comprised of a geo-composite, prefabricated, water collection system (collection system) and the associated water transport system (transport pipe). The drainage system shall be installed in accordance with these specifications and in close conformity with the locations and dimensions as shown on the plans.
Trenching and Backfill Requirements The amount of trench excavated at any time shall not exceed the amount of drain that can be set and backfilled completely in one working day. The trench shall be 4 inches wide and 20” deep as specified in the plans. All excavated material shall be removed and hauled offsite for proper disposal. At no point shall the excavated material be used as backfill or any other purpose on the project unless approved by the City. The trench shall be backfilled with clean very coarse sand, Ortona Wellpoint sand or an alternate selected by the City. The contractor shall supply the City with specifications, source and a sample of the very coarse sand to ensure it meets the specifications.
Trenching and Backfill Requirements
Fittings Requirements Fittings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The fittings used with the collection system shall be of a "snap together" design. In no case shall any product be joined without the use of the manufacturer's connector designed specifically for the materials specified.
Drainage connections The contractor shall submit a proposal on how the discharge lines will tie into the existing drainage system (catch basin) for review and approval by the City. All tie in shall be water tight.
Sod Requirements Once the trenches have been successfully backfilled with the required very coarse sand to proper grade, the trench must be restored with sand grown Tifway 419 Bermuda sod. The sod shall be cut and placed to proper size and grade to cover the trench and be level with the existing turf. The sod shall be supplied by a local grower and certified as Tifway 419 Bermuda and grown in coarse sand; not muck, clay or any other nonporous soil. The Tifway 419 Bermuda grass shall be fully established and ready for field play by the timelines set forth for each field subject to this project. Once the trenches have been successfully backfilled with the required very coarse sand to proper grade, the trench must be restored with sand grown Tifway 419 Bermuda sod. The sod shall be cut and placed to proper size and grade to cover the trench and be level with the existing turf. The sod shall be supplied by a local grower and certified as Tifway 419 Bermuda and grown in coarse sand; not muck, clay or any other nonporous soil. The Tifway 419 Bermuda grass shall be fully established and ready for field play by the timelines set forth for each field subject to this project.
The materials and machinery shall limit any damage to the existing fields; included compacting of existing field areas, ruts, depressed areas, tracks, turning scares, stock piling, damaging the existing grass, dry detention areas and drainage structures.
Closure Dates a.Gardens Park: December 15, 2014 – January 15, 2015 a.Gardens Park: December 15, 2014 – January 15, 2015 b.Mirasol Park:March 2 – April 27, 2015 b.Mirasol Park:March 2 – April 27, 2015 c.Lilac Park:May 18 – July 17, 2015 c.Lilac Park:May 18 – July 17, 2015
2’ Overhang A 10-foot long by 5 foot wide by 8 foot tall shelter must have an 18" deep bench seat at each end, and a minimum of 2 foot roof over hang on all sides. 500 FT 660 FT 140 FT 300,000 SQ FT Gardens Park Soccer Park December 15, 2014 – January 15, 2015
Gardens Park Soccer Park December 15, 2014 – January 15, 2015
Mirosal Park
Lilac Park
Questions? Questions after this meeting must be submitted in writing to Km Ra!. fax (561)