Radius Engineering Inc. Landscape Water Harvest Project Dr. Ty Harrison, consultant Example of a water conserving commercial landscape project Radius Engineering Inc West 2780 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Location: 1042 West 2780 S. on Jordan River LEEDS Silver project Goal to harvest and infiltrate water for cottonwood trees to shade building and parking lot
Internal roof drain designed to conduct water to gravel covered infiltration trench for watering cottonwood shade trees (looking south)
Exit grate to infiltration trench and shaded employee lounge area (looking north).
Native Fremont Cottonwood Trees planted on west side of building for afternoon shade. Native grass and flowers of adjacent xeriscape
Pathway to Jordan River Parkway Trail Cobble covered infiltration trench along sidewalk
Water conserving ornamental planting strip near entry
Rocky Mountain Bee Plant attracts many species of native insect pollinators
Wild sunflowers also attract pollinators and provide seed for birds
Water Conserving Streetscape Plantings Native salt tolerant grasses and shrubs have been planted in swales which receive parking area snowmelt runoff Drought tolerant juniper and pinyon pine have been planted with other native shrubs around this commercial site. [photos to be added]