Literacy and the Next Generation Science Standards Kentucky Department of Education
Present an overview of the structure of the Next Generation Science Standards. Describe how the CCSS for Literacy are incorporated into the NGSS Provide examples of integrated science/literacy instruction based on selected performance expectations from the January, 2013 NGSS public draft.
The Framework provides a New Vision of Science Teaching and Learning
Building from research & key reports…
The Framework establishes three dimensions of science learning: 1. Scientific and Engineering Practices 2. Crosscutting Concepts 3. Disciplinary Core Ideas Structure of the Framework: The Three Dimensions
1. Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Science and Engineering Practices
1. Patterns 2. Cause and effect 3. Scale, proportion, and quantity 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter 6. Structure and function 7. Stability and change Seven Crosscutting Concepts
Physical Sciences PS 1: Matter and its interactions PS 2: Motion and stability: Forces and interactions PS 3: Energy PS 4: Waves and their applications in technologies for information transfer Life Sciences LS 1: From molecules to organisms: Structures and processes LS 2: Ecosystems: Interactions, energy, and dynamics LS 3: Heredity: Inheritance and variation of traits LS 4: Biological Evolution: Unity and diversity Earth and Space Sciences ESS 1: Earth’s place in the universe ESS 2: Earth’s systems ESS 3: Earth and human activity Engineering, Technology, and the Applications of Science ETS 1: Engineering design ETS 2: Links among engineering, technology, science, and society Disciplinary Core Ideas
Not separate treatment of “content” and “inquiry” Curriculum and instruction needs to do more than present and assess scientific ideas – they need to involve learners in using scientific practices to develop and apply the scientific ideas. Core Ideas Practices Crosscutting Concepts
Framework Standards Practices Core Ideas Cross- cutting Concepts
T3 KDE School Turnaround
An Elementary Connection An Elementary Experience
Now look at the connections to the ELA standards… NGSS Performance Expectation from the January DRAFT Release
Students should have many engaging experiences that build background science content knowledge which is aligns with the noted the DCIs. Connecting to the ELA standards will further their understanding of these core ideas.
RI 4.7 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.
Contains in-depth information to be understood and remembered. Vocabulary is specific to content area and typically is not used in general conversation. May use multiple headings and subheadings. Important information may be found in graphs, tables, or illustrations. Requires the reader to read at a slower rate and self-monitor comprehension
CODE BREAKER MEANING MAKER TEXT USER TEXT CRITIC Code Breakers Read to understand at the surface level. Meaning Makers connect with the author’s intent. Text Users can analyze the factors that influenced the author and the text. Text Critics understand the underlying nature of the text and the biases that can exist.
Examples from KY Field Guide
How are the large rocks Preventing the hill from sliding on to the road? What is the angle of the slope and how was it determined? Why did the author of this manual give this type of mitigation a thumbs up? What criteria was used to determine this rating? Why the use of rock over grass in this area?
RI 4.9 Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Erosion by Virgina Castleman Genre: Nonnarrative Information Summary: Tells how water, wind, and ice change the surface of the Earth through Erosion Grand Canyon: A Trail Through Time by Linda Vieira Genre: Narrative Information Summary: Describes the deep trench known as the Grand Canyon and activities of visitors to the national park. The detailed lesson plan created by Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan follows the 5 E Instructional Model for guided inquiry. In this lesson on the Grand Canyon, the authors include reading comprehension activities aligned with inferring, determining importance, and questioning yet you could easily create learning experience encourage students to integrate the information found in these two test in order to write or speak about the subject of the Grand Canyon.
Consider providing a graphic organizer to help students gather and organize information. By using this type of organizer, students are able to integrate and synthesize a large amount of information on a single topic.
Using the information shared by the “Expert Groups”, all the content knowledge gained through guided inquiry and close reading, students are ready to show their understanding by designing a solution to mitigate the erosion they have identified. Students can gather evidence of weathering and erosion around their neighborhood, school grounds or yards. Encourage them to take a photograph to use in their design work. Look at the negative effects of the erosion and begin to design a solution to mitigate the problem. Encourage students to work through a design process that includes all of the practices found in the Earth’s Surface Systems Performance Expectation. What a connections to the real world!
A Framework for K-12 Science Education -NRC Tools for Teaching Content Literacy by Janet Allen Text and Lessons for Content –Area Reading by Harvey Daniels and Nancy Steineke Picture Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, 3-6 by Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan Kentucky Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Field Guide or call Kentucky Division of Conservation at Next Generation of Science Standards: ELA Standards: deconstructed-standards.aspx deconstructed-standards.aspx