Lecture 2 – Ocean Zones and Basins
Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Oceans of the World
Northern and Southern Hemispheres Southern - 81% Ocean Northern - 61% Ocean Earth – 71% ocean
The World’s Water
Volumes of the Ocean Basins Volume (km 2 x 10 6 )
Single Ocean Concept - Antarctic circulation
Single Ocean Concept - Antarctic circulation
Seas of the World 1 - Mediterranean
Seas of the World 2 - North Sea
Seas of the World 3 - Caribbean
Seas of the World 4 - China
Seas of the World 5 - Sea of Okhotsk
Seas of the World 6 - Bering Sea
Other named seas Arabian Coral Tasman Greenland Norwegian Barents Kara Laptev East Siberian Chukchi Japan Yellow East China Laborador Beaufort Red Arafura Andaman Java CelebesBanda TimorSulu Black Caspian Celtic White Aegean Adriatic Sea of Cortez Phillipine Aral
Topographical Features of Ocean Basins
Epipelagic Mesopelagic Bathypelagic Abyssalpelagic NeriticOceanic Photic(200 m) Disphotic(1000 m) Aphotic (1000 m) Pelagic Benthic Littoral (intertidal) Sublittoral Bathyl Abyssal Hadal
Topographical Features of Ocean Basins continental shelf shelf break continental slope abyssal plain
Topographical Features of Ocean Basins continental shelf shelf break continental slope abyssal plain
Hadal Zone Mariana Trench
Hadal Zone Mariana Trench
Hadal Zone Mariana Trench Xenophyophore (protist)
Abyssal Plain
Other features of the abyssal plain Ridge Rift Seamount Guyot Abyssal hills Tectonic/volcanic Sedimentary Seamount - mountain in the sea, > 100 m high and not based on a continental shelf. Guyot – isolated seamount with a flat top over 200 m below the surface
Submarine rift on land
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Components ClayQuartz
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Methods of Deposition Sediment Transport
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Methods of Deposition Wind Erosion
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Methods of Deposition Volcanic Activity
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Methods of Deposition
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Methods of Deposition
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Methods of Deposition Fans can be extensive
Depositional Material in the Oceans 1. Terrigenous - Methods of Deposition
Depositional Material in the Oceans 2. Biogenous CaCO 3 from Corals and Molluscs Silica (Si) from Diatoms
Depositional Material in the Oceans 3. Hydrogenous - Precipitated directly from seawater 4. Cosmogenous
Continental Slope
Continental Shelf
Intertidal/Littoral Zone
Next time Physical and Chemical Properties of Seawater