Bioremediation of contaminated soil
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Root causes of oil spillages and site contamination Hose failures on mining machines Oil spillages in and around the workshops Poor maintenance on equipment Not adhering to environmental policies Vehicle accidents
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Impact of oil spills on the environment Affecting plants and soil organisms Affecting human and animal digestive systems Safety hazard that can cause slipping Destruction of eco systems Pollution of groundwater we use for drinking
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Bioremediation process Bioremediation can be defined as any process that makes use of micro- organisms, fungi, green plants or their enzymes to return the natural environment altered by contaminants to its original condition. Bioremediation may be employed to attack specific soil contaminants, such as degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons by bacteria. Products are scientifically formulated to consume and digest contaminants as a result of oil spills on soil, gravel or hard surfaces. The bioremediation process enhances microbes that occur naturally in soils and digests the hydrocarbon based pollutants in the contaminated area
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Bioremediation site layout 80m 10m 60m
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Trench layout Trenches are 70m long x 3m wide x ½ m deep (12 in total) This will enable a trench to handle 105 m³ of contaminated soil. The bioremediation site can then handle a total of 1260 m³ of contaminated soil.
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Contaminated soil is then dumped into the trenches Products are then added to the contaminated soil Filling of trenches
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Day 1-10 Medicals and induction for the team members Demarcation of the bioremediation site and installation of perimeters for safety e.g. barricade fencing Preparation of the bioremediation trenches for the contaminated soil. These twelve trenches will be 3m wide, ½m deep and 70m long. This requires an area of 4800m² The trenches will accommodate 1260 m³ of contaminated soil Project breakdown Day 10 to 20 Excavation of contaminated soil and removal to the bioremediation trenches for treatment. The depth of soil to be excavated will depend on the depth of the contamination, but is estimated to be between ½ m and 1 m. The team members level and mix the contaminated soil with Organic soil-fix powder and liquid During this process the product will be distributed evenly to ensure the fast acting of microbes
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Day 20 to 30 Continuous mixing of treated soil to prevent any oil-sludge build up at the bottom of the trenches Product is added on a frequent basis to ensure that all hydrocarbons are treated Monitoring of the bioremediation site and watering three times every week Project breakdown Day 30 to 90 Weekly watering of trenches Analysing of lab tests to ensure that product application is consistent Bioremediation process of contaminated soil should be visible after six to eight weeks Approval of remediated batches for release into environment. This can be used as topsoil covering
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Results of bioremediation Before After
..our focus is service…guaranteed! Benefits of remediation The immediate treatment of contaminated soil No costly removal of hazardous waste from site A continues project for the mining company An active project to living green and clean Remediated soil can be re-introduced into the environment Job creation for the community