Natural Resources The Prospecting Report 2012 Ron Mills
Natural Resources We provide expertise for: Developing exploration plans, Field assistance, Interpretation, Report assistance. MIP FUNDING!!!
Natural Resources PDAC presence PDAC assistance
Natural Resources We dont: Spot drill holes, Get involved in deal negotiations.
Natural Resources LYNN-NEW BRITAIN REE Prospect
Natural Resources REE Prospecting in the Cobequid Highlands Prospector Patrick Bellefontaine
Natural Resources MITCHELL BAY
Natural Resources MITCHELL BAY Au Prospect
Natural Resources MITCHELL BAY Au Prospect Prospector Perry Bezanson
Natural Resources WESTFIELD Au/Ag Leucogranite
Natural Resources
WESTFIELD Leucogranite Au-Ag Prospect
Natural Resources WESTFIELD Jumbo Vein Au Prospect
Natural Resources Prospector Joe Richman
Natural Resources MINEVILLE Au
Natural Resources MINEVILLE Prospectors Mike Alexander and John Richard
Natural Resources JORDAN RIVER FALLS Pegmatite
Natural Resources JORDAN RIVER FALLS Pegmatite Prospect
Natural Resources JORDAN RIVER FALLS Prospector Mike O’Callahan
Natural Resources LONG LAKE Leocogranite Mo-W-Li-F-Sn
Natural Resources
John Logan!!!
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Prospector Ted MacNaughton
Natural Resources SMITH LAKE High Thermal Gradient (TAG?) Au
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Prospector Rick Jewers
Natural Resources WEST GORE Sb-Au
Natural Resources Prospector Scott Grant
Natural Resources FERRY LAKE A/C Vein Au
Natural Resources FERRY LAKE 2012
Natural Resources VLF work along strike revealed a series of repeating changes in dip angle
Natural Resources
Emplacement follows a COW BAY model.
Natural Resources FERRY LAKE 2012
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Scratch Exploration
Natural Resources COPPER LAKE IOCG Au
Natural Resources Copper Lake Prospector John MacIsaac under agreement to Minotaur Resources
Natural Resources INCO Highlands Epithermal Au
Natural Resources
Zone 6B trench from earlier trenching Au-bearing vein from 2012 trenching (Au assays >7g/Au >9g/Au >25g/Au
Natural Resources Prospector Joe Richman
Natural Resources Thank You