e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 ENCompass A brief historical perspective and where we are now Gill Hamilton Systems Librarian, National Library of Scotland Morag Watson Systems Development Librarian, Edinburgh University Library
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Overview 1.A shared problem for NLS and EUL 2.Deciding on a (shared?) solution 3.Implementation: NLS pilot project 4.Implementation: EUL pilot project 5.The future 6.Lessons learned and challenges faced
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 A shared problem for NLS and UofE 1. A shared problem for NLS and UofE
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 No one-stop-shop for online resources 1. A shared problem for NLS and UofE
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Collection and curation of digital objects Digital Preservation Manage the rights of the physical and digital material The challenge is great Wanting a solution is just one small step… We want more than a search screen 1. A shared problem for NLS and UofE
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Let’s work together!… …but remain independent Face a similar problem Joint procurement of Voyager was beneficial Collate functional requirements Evaluate independently Select independently, but if the same… Purchase together Implement in parallel 1. A shared problem for NLS and UofE
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Deciding on a (shared?) solution 30+ members of staff drawing up functional specification divided into functional areas Other staff attending to the top and tails of the tender (70+ pages excluding appendices) Specifying an evaluation scheme Initial evaluation of tenders by DOMS evaluation teams (40+ members) Staff attending demonstrations from short-listed candidates (60+ members) Final recommendations and summary of shortfalls by evaluation teams = ENCompass exclusive of cost Contractual meetings with EISI These stages took almost 12 months 2. Deciding on a (shared?) solution
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 NLS Pilot Project AIM: To deliver an interface available through the National Library of Scotland’s website that will allow users to centrally search a variety of print, electronic and digitised resources with a single log in, and to advise the Library on how it should continue to develop this service beyond the project. Provisionally called Search ENCompass Expanding to a comprehensive service? 7 member team with broad expertise (2.5 FTE) 3. NLS Pilot Project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept NLS Pilot Project
Integrating many resources into one system The generalist approach A range of electronic connections needed What goes in? 3. NLS Pilot Project
Image and quote from Jurassic Park (1993) © 1993 Universal Pictures Dr. Malcolm: Yeah, yeah --but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.
Integrating many resources into one system The generalist approach A range of electronic connections What goes in? Granularity? Will taxonomy help? Which should you choose? Subject vs. Format How will the user cope? 3. NLS Pilot Project
XML, XSL and Dublin Core First large-scale use of XML XML holds and structures data 3. NLS Pilot Project
XML, XSL and Dublin Core First large-scale use of XML XML holds and structures data Training and experience with XML and XSL has many other benefits Dublin Core data can be OAI harvestable Search engines can access content of databases not just static html XSL as a way of re-presenting and displaying structure of data 3. NLS Pilot Project
Dealing with information overload Need a clear conceptual benefit Reducing the stress of an attention seeking interface 3. NLS Pilot Project
Me ! 3. NLS Pilot Project
Me ! 3. NLS Pilot Project Me !
Dealing with information overload Are people concerned about source, context or format? Need a clear conceptual benefit Reducing the stress of an attention seeking interface A hierarchical taxonomy 3. NLS Pilot Project
Who can use the service? Improving remote access… …has problems –Abiding by the terms of our licence –Concurrent use –Often access for registered readers Who is a registered reader? On-line registration Should Scotland’s taxpayer provide the world with free access? 3. NLS Pilot Project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 NLS Contacts
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 EUL Pilot project AIM:To provide a single point of access to digital resources created locally within the University, and also obtained for use in support of learning and research from third-party providers. The pilot will test the full functionality of the system and will serve as proof of concept. 4. EUL pilot project Set up an exemplar site, selected data resources Short time-frame (8 months) Team of 7 staff (2.5 FTE)
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Workflow 1 Short time frame, to coincide with the beginning of the new session in September Setting up of an exemplar site, with a selection of resources 4. EUL pilot project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Workflow 2 Appointed a team of 7: Project director & coordinator Systems Librarian, e-publications Librarian, Cataloguing expert, XML expert, Archivist, Liaison Librarian, Equivalent of 2 FTE A Super A-Team 4. EUL pilot project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Workflow 3 Tasks: Design interface, convert data to XML, load it, test the system, go into production mode, publicising the system Set up 4 different Subgroups within the library to pull on a range of expertise 4. EUL pilot project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Subgroup 1 Interface design Accessibility Usability How to organise the Collections User testing Logo 4. EUL pilot project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Selection of data resources EUL is very large, with lots of resources! Carried out a questionnaire to scope collections Had to make a balanced choice 4. EUL pilot project Subgroup 2
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Data loading Mapping data to Dublin Core, transferring data to XML All data needs a lot of preparation Careful liaison with data creator 4. EUL pilot project Subgroup 3
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 LinkFinderPlus and ERA Selecting resources for first phase Allocating priority to resources 4. EUL pilot project Subgroup 4
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 University Liaison ENCompass purchased on behalf of the University Library promotion of the system Acts as single point of access for all resources Enable objects to be searched Still to finalise workflow for receiving digital objects into the system 4. EUL pilot project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 EUL Contacts EUL pilot project
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Authentication –Combination of solutions, EZproxy Rights management Digital preservation ENCompass 3.5!! ‘FAST’ searching feature Adding more resources and improving access 5. The future The future
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Digital preservation Digital archive to ensure future proofing of our resources ENCompass can provide the workflow and metadata for this Objects can be assigned metadata on entry to the system Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard Adhere to OAIS 5. The future
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Challenges HSE/HTTP connectors Double installation of ENCompass on one server Getting grip on XML and the meta-loader Grasping the back-end concept Training Luna imaging software Keeping the project on track Distance to Chicago makes it difficult to resolve problems face to face 6. Lessons learned and challenges faced
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 What do I/you need? Money Hardware Software (not just ENCompass) Management buy-in from the top down A good image for the project to encourage support Good knowledge of XML, XSL, metadata, schema, database back-end, interface design, usability Plenty of ring-fenced time (2FTE to 3FTE within 8 months) A Super A-team Stamina – 2 years from start to pilot service A flexible project plan Good support from EISI 6. Lessons learned and challenges faced
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Other ENCompass sites National Library New Zealand Getty Institute University of Kansas Queensland Digital Library
e-EndUser: Helsinki, Sept 2003 Finland