Starter Activity – Bingo! Choose and write down six of the words/names/terms from the selection below When you hear the definition and you think it matches your word cross it out When you have crossed out all of your words shout BINGO! Schlieffen Plan Alliance Franz Ferdinand Machine Gun November Dreadnought Trench Big guns Kitchener Somme Mud Stalemate Pals Batallion Tank Douglas Haig
Lesson Title: Why did Germany lose the First World War? Know the factors which caused Germany’s defeat Understand which factor is the most important Skills: note taking, judging evidence
Task One Tear your map of Germany up into five pieces Read the factor card and briefly sum up the information onto one of your pieces of Germany. Make sure you add a heading After 3 mins you will change factor cards and sum up the information on another piece of Germany
Task Two Reassemble Germany and stick her down over two pages in your exercise book!
Germany 1918 Task Three Draw out a bomb with Germany’s name in the middle of it with a long wick You have to decide where on the wick you would put the reasons why Germany lost the war The nearer to the bomb the more important the reason Give a brief explanation of why you placed each reason along the wick America joins the war – This is very important because lots of fresh new troops join the war against Germany in The Allies had more, well equipped men to defeat the Germans who were increasingly tired and hungry Germany was starving – the German people lost the will to fight as they were starving because the British won’t let food into German ports
Plenary Why did Germany lose the First World War? What do you think the most important reason is in explaining why they lost? Write an explanation of no more than 100 words, explaining which you think is the most important factor Oracy: be prepared to read it out to the rest of the class!