1 Report on the 30 th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme 6-9 April 2009, Maryland, USA N. McFarlane, T. G. Shepherd, T. Peter, V. Ryabinin 2008 external review of the WCRP, commissioned by its Sponsors and the International Group of Funding Agencies of Global Change Research. Key issues raised in the WCRP review to be addressed as part of the planning for the near future (up to 2013) and longer-term activities: WCRP lacks visibility within key communities, notably user communities, and particularly within developing countries. WCRP structural issues were the main overarching theme. Fundamental research role of WCRP was pointed out as important particularly for the major science funding agencies (e.g. NERC, NOAA, NSF).
2 Report on the 30 th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme SPARC Plans to 2013 and beyond: Legacy document: (a) chemistry-climate model validation, (b) assessment of key uncertainties in measurements, (c) linking various scientific communities. Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (AC&C): SPARC/WCRP: A. Ravishankara Martyn Chipperfield IGAC/IGBP: Phil Rasch and Sarah Doherty WCRP – Quo vadis? SPARC – Quo vadis?
3 Report on the 30 th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme Future of the WCRP as discussed in 3 breakout groups: Tasked to consider the same three questions: (1) What should be the function of WCRP? (2) What should be the main themes of WCRP? (3) What should be the structure of WCRP? Result: Framework for restructuring WCRP beyond 2013: Central structured activities analogous to the current core projects. Broad disciplinary themes that recognize major couplings and processes in the climate system: Land /Atmosphere, Ocean/Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Stratosphere/Troposphere. Applications, communications, and outreach will be addressed through a major interdisciplinary cross-cutting activity. WCRP – Quo vadis? SPARC – Quo vadis?
4 Potential points for discussion: SPARC needs to “encompass the troposphere“! Does SPARC need to change its name? A central issue will be a good coordination with IGAC! Should we reconsider a merger IGAC&SPARC? Ensure lab studies stay a strong component in SPARC! AC&C: Intensify interaction between SPARC and IGAC! To this end benefit from the CCMVal and achieve real collaboration between CCMVal modelers and tropospheric modelers! WCRP – Quo vadis? SPARC – Quo vadis?
5 SPARC needs to “encompass the troposphere“! “Encompass” does not mean “take over”. Dynamical and chemical aspects. Does SPARC need to change its name? Not necessarily. A central issue will be a good coordination with IGAC! Identify projects of mutual interest – or is this already exhausted by AC&C? Should we reconsider a merger IGAC&SPARC? No majority presently on SPARC-SSG; rather follow up on and intensify specific activities. Ensure lab studies stay a strong component in SPARC! Follow up on the good examples given during this meeting. AC&C: Intensify interaction between SPARC and IGAC! SPARC needs “heros”. Time-constraint by CCMVal will relax. WCRP – Quo vadis? SPARC – Quo vadis?