Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Committee Informational Meeting Enhancing the Marine Transportation System (MTS) in Cook Inlet
What is a Harbor Safety Committee (HSC), Sub-Committees? Voting and non-voting members of the communities that encompass the Cook Inlet MTS: Port Authorities Vessel Owners/ Operators Pilots/ Associations Marine Exchange Agents Terminal Operators Shipyards Industry Associations Organized Labor Commercial Fishing Industry Associations State / Local Government Agencies Federal Government Representatives -USCG -MARAD -NOAA -EPA Environmental Recreational Boaters General Public
Potential Sub-Committees Ice Guidelines Navigational Risk Assessment Environmental Vessel Traffic Cook Inlet Risk Assessment Implementation Tug and Barge Liquid Natural Gas Resource Development Exploration
Successful HSC’s Structure & Organization Mission Statement Meetings Consensus and Management Structure Tracking Action Items Fulfilling Action Items Funding
Committee/ Study Trigger Points M/V SEABULK PRIDE – Grounding - Ice Guidelines M/V MONARCH – Sinking - Inherent risk increases while operating in ice. M/V CHESAPEAKE TRADER - Sought refuge in K-Bay for repairs after striking pier and spilling approximately 10 bbls of oil. – Vessel Traffic Study Freight Barge OREGON – Urea Barge - Capsized following collision w/ tow vessel – Vessel Traffic Study
Best Marine Practices Navigational Risk Assessment -Traffic Patterns – VTS - Ice Guidelines - Severe Weather Guidelines Lessons learned from previous incidents. Alignment with other HSC’s around U.S. Assist Tugs - Lower Cook Inlet Kachemak Bay – Ice Free = Safe Refuge
Topics of Discussion Importance of HSC’s. Is this another regulatory entity? How does the Navigational Risk Assessment benefit CI? Consolidation of several committees into one body. Coast Guard partnerships. Cruise Ship Traffic – 2011= 14 landings – 2012= 7 landings – 2013= 1 landing – 2014= 5 landings Marine Casualties/ Loss of Propulsion = 46 total =53 total =60 total Increased vessel traffic = potential need for traffic control?
In Closing Benefits -Communication amongst port partners. - Structure. -Tracking Action Items. Port Partnership – “One Team” approach. No need to re-create the wheel. HSC’s improve awareness of the local/National MTS Structure “One Source”. Safety of the Environment. Advantages: - Plugged into national coordinating structure. - Stronger voice for higher level issues. - Economically efficient port/ waterway. NVIC 1-00 Guidance.
Question or Comments? Reference: Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) No USCG Contacts: LT Eugene Chung – Sector Anchorage Waterways Division (907) LT William Albright – MSD Homer – (907)