Monitoring of Capacity Development in GEF Operations UNFCCC Expert Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building in Developing Countries St. John’s, Antigua - November 5-6, 2007 UNFCCC Expert Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building in Developing Countries St. John’s, Antigua - November 5-6, 2007 Presented by: Jean-Joseph Bellamy, Consultant Tom Twining-Ward, UNDP Abdul-Majeid Haddad, UNEP
AGENDA Background Definition of Capacity Capacity Results in a Managerial System Attributes of Capacity Development A Framework to Measure CD A Set of Indicators Examples Discussion Points
BACKGROUND CD - a major priority of the international community (Paris Declaration) CD is an integral part of MEAs The UNDP/GEF NCSA process GEF-4 emphasizes “capacity building is essential to results and improving performance at country level” CD appears integrated into GEF operations but remains an elusive concept with no link to concrete measurement of its contribution
DEFINITION OF CAPACITY “Capacity is the ability of people, organizations and society as a whole to manage their affairs successfully” (OECD) CD is “ the process whereby people, organizations and society as a whole unleash, strengthen, create, adapt and maintain capacity over time” (OECD) Within GEF’s goal, 2 types of intervention: Specific interventions focusing on CD Regular projects with specific CD activities integrated into project components
CAPACITY RESULTS IN A MANAGERIAL SYSTEM 1.Capacities for engagement 2.Capacities to access and use information and knowledge 3.Capacities for policy and legislation development 4.Capacities for management and implementation 5.Capacities to monitor and evaluate
ATTRIBUTES OF CD It requires ownership It requires collaborative agreements It is a continuous process It requires relevant information for effective decision-making It requires incentives and resources It needs to be part of early project design
ATTRIBUTES OF CD …. related to monitoring and measuring capacity development It needs a baseline It needs benchmarks It needs to be specific It needs to be attributable
A FRAMEWORK TO MEASURE CD Monitoring CD must be reconciled with output/outcome measurement It also needs to respond to GEF’s need to monitor progress at the project and programme level and its newly set focus “on delivering project outcomes and impacts during implementation” (RBM) to achieve global environmental benefits. A scorecard-approach is suggested
A SET OF INDICATORS Capacity for Engagement Legitimacy/mandate of lead organization Operational co-management mechanisms Cooperation with stakeholder groups Capacity to Access and Use Information and Knowledge Awareness of stakeholders Information access and sharing by stakeholders Environmental education Research and science Traditional knowledge
A SET OF INDICATORS Capacity for Policy and Legislation Development Planning and strategy development Adequate policy and regulatory frameworks Informed decision-making Capacity for Management and Implementation Mobilization and organization of resources Technical skills and technology transfer Capacity to Monitor and Evaluate Monitoring of projects and programmes Evaluation of projects and programmes
An Example of a Scorecard at project level
An Example of a Scorecard at programme level
DISCUSSION POINTS Comprehensiveness of the framework: Does it encompass all “facets” of capacity and CD? What about the categorization into 5 capacity results? Usability/Friendliness: Is the framework simple enough? Are there too many indicators? Integration within the overall M&E framework: How to integrate this framework with other monitoring frameworks such as METT for protected areas? How to limit duplication of capacity indicators in various monitoring tools (Log-frame, METT, Strategic targets, CD framework, ….)?
Thank You! UNFCCC Expert Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building in Developing Countries Antigua - November 5-6, 2007 UNFCCC Expert Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building in Developing Countries Antigua - November 5-6, 2007